Chapter 1

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~3rd person pov~

Everyone was in class erm while they were in ground beta. Aizawa said that whoever could pin him down would be excused from homework for the next week. To say that the students were happy about this would be an understatement. While two of them weren't so happy about that, Iida and Momo.

He also said that they could work together or alone.

But nonetheless they still did the training with the class. Everyone was at the meet up point except for three of them. Midoriya. Todoroki. And Bakugou. The three missing were running around blind trying to find their teacher. The rest of the class was trying to come up with a plan.

Five minutes later and the class had a plan all they had to do was find Shoto for it to work. So everyone split up in teams of two to find their classmate. Iida idea. (Who else would segget the buddy system lol) The paired students ran off looking for some kind of clue to help find their teacher.

~in the middle of the city~

The man in question was currently hiding out in one of the buildings looking out the window for any of his students. He thought about moving to a different spot until he heard the familiar loud explosions and the threats coming from the loud blonde. The problem child as he called him wasn't very far behind the blonde trying to calm him down until he went flying a good ten feet away from said explosive blonde.

The greenette yelled something to the blonde and stood there staring at the ground until the blonde boy was out of sight. The greenette in question started walking towards the house that his teacher was in without knowing. Then when he thought he was alone he let out a scream. One that was filled with pain and loneliness in it then let out a small huff.


I used Problem childs distressed moment to my advantage and went out the back door. The door closed and for a split second everything was in slow motion. The loud slam of the door made me quickly freeze in his tracks before he quickly jumped to a roof and ran.I could hear two sets of footsteps coming in my direction. I assumed that it was the problem child cold and the explosive blonde.

As I jumped I heard bakugou behind me then a loud string of cures and glanced behind me to see that the Angry pomeranian was trapped in ice. That means that Todorki is around somewhere but where is the problem child at? He was the closest to the house before I left. I look back to what I'm doing and stop in my tracks to see that Todoroki was standing below the house I was in with narrowed eyes.

I knew that if I jumped, he would use his ice on me and freeze me in the air. I was trapped because Bakugou was seconds away from freeing himself from the ice. I glanced back to what the anger problem child was doing when I saw him grumbling about something and walking away. But why?

"What the hell??!?" Todorki said.

I looked back at the kid to see the capture tape around the boy's waist. He also looked very confused before looking at me with the same confusion before I shrugged and with a sigh he walked away. My guard is up again but I don't hear anything and start running around trying to find my other students.

I spotted Kirishima after ten minutes and watched him for a second before he called someone over. Denki walked over to him shaking his head and throwing his arms up and turning around and spots be and excitedly points at me telling Kirishima. The two make their way over to me.

~3rd person's pov~

Denki got way to exside and screamed or yelled happily before he short cuirted and a layer of bright yellow electicted shot out of his hand sand he went into idiot mode (I don't remember the sound he made and can't find it anywhere so please comment what it was) Luckily the redhead activated his quirk in time so it didn't affect him too much only left a tingling feeling.

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