James Corban

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I look up from the ground and read the name on the screen "James Corban" OML(anta)! James Corban is going to be interviewing me on his show! 

I've just tinkled in the loo, thinking of him. I imagine his pasty skin, yearning for his touch. His crusty lips whispering in my ear "Did you watch cats?". I snap out of it! I can't keep this obsession up if I'm going to meet him. But he lingers in my brain all day and night. "Y/N Corban" just rolls off the tongue. I imagine my fingers running through his grease filled hair,  I sniff my fingers and he licks them. I just cant get his figure out of my head. I pray that I can control myself when I meet him tomorrow.


I sit in the studio, my knee bobbing up and down with anxiety. What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't feel the same? I feel a strong grip stop my knee. I look up. It's him. "Y/N, don't be nervous you'll be great! I'll be there with you the whole time" I smile and attempt to thank him. But nothing comes out, his hand still on my thigh, I look down and he realises and apologizes. I say "it's okay, thanks for your support" we chuckle and he moves onto another dressing room.

My makeup has just been done and I'm waiting for my que to go on the show. I walk on with confidence and shake his hand. He still carries a strong grip, just how I like it. I sit and he asks about my new movie: Wet and dripping summer vibes 3. He shows the audience a steamy scene where I am humping a horse in an erotic way. I notice sweat form on his forehead and a stain on his pants. I grab the end of my sleeve and wipe the saliva falling from his mouth. He begins to blush. I giggle and he begins to ask me questions about my work. I answer them, but with every question he gets more red. I look down and the stain on his pants is bigger now. I giggle under my breath, but I manage to keep it together and answer the rest of the questions. When I had to leave he gave me a tight hug. I felt something poke me below. I fondled it, and he jumped. he subtlety brushed his hand against my ass. I giggle and exit the stage.

I sit down backstage and I'm talking to some other guests on the show, this is when James approaches with swagger. He licks his lips and smiles. His feet are out dripping with toe juice. I stand and fix my dress. He puts his hand on my lower back and doesn't say a word. He takes me to his dressing room, and he quickly removes his tie. I take off my shoes and reveal my fat grippers. He  gets on all fours and crawls towards me, growling and barking like a dog. I unzip my dress and do an Irish jig. He claps along as I take off his suit. He howls. I hear footsteps coming towards us, but I don't care, but he does. He quickly puts on his clothes and shoves me behind curtains, hiding me. A tuneful knock makes me silent. "Come in!!" James calls in his cheery accent, a woman enters. It's his wifey, Julia, walks in the room and all I can hear is moaning and smooching sounds. I feel disgusted. I feel hot and I am angry, part of me wants to reveal myself and beat her up. But I don't, I know it would end badly. So I stand there for 5 minutes. Waiting. Eventually she left, He draws back the curtain and apologizes and wanted to get back to it. But I refused. I slap him and tears run down my face. As I reach my car I can't help but think this could've been the wrong decision. But I continue anyway. 


I'm scrolling through Instagram and I read all the kind messages about my interview with James. I can't help but think about his body on mine. I begin to regret my decision, if I could I would take it back. I knew he was married, and of course they will do things like that anyway! But also ... am I the bad guy? I made a move on a married man! I shouldn't of done it in the first place! But he felt the same. Didn't he? 


It's 3AM and I just woke up in a sweat. I dreamt of James. I was in his dressing room again, but this time we weren't interrupted by that BITCH Julia. He touched me all over, and he was my little puppy. I pet him and rubbed his belly. He LOVED it. That's when I woke up. I feel a calling to my phone. I everything is a blur, but next moment I look down I've sent a DM to James. Oh no. Was this a mistake? I almost delete it. But I decide not to. The message reads "Hey Sugar muffin! How are ya? Just thinking about your body . . . Wanna hook-up tonight? lmao. Sensually, your Crab cakes!!" Followed by a series of wet and peach emojis. 

I try to get back to sleep, when a sudden notification keeps me awake. I grab my phone, the light blinds me. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. Once they do I see a reply. JAMES REPLIED!!! "Sure, I'm free . . . now" I jump out of bed and rush to my closet to get my sexiest outfit on. I catch a taxi and make my way to his home.

. . . 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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