"Well maybe if you didn't STEAL my shampoo bottle maybe I would not have destroyed you little diary!"

"Listen you little shit, I didn't steal your shampoo bottle and I do not need a girl whose personality is based of liking a guy, so fuck you Mikasa and I know you fucked yourself with my hair brush!"

What you just heard was Ymir and Mikasa going at each other's throats, Jean and I were trying to defuse the situation.

He said to himself, "fuck, I wish Marco was here the fight would have been already defused by now."

Well I felt a stabbing pain in my chest because I knew what happened to him and maybe Reiner and I should not have made that decision, because damn it we need Marco NOW!

The girls looked at us, I said softly, "look I know who was stealing the shampoo and conditioner during the 104th but not now."

Mikasa asked with a bratty tone, "why?"

"Because he is dead."

Ymir asked, "who was it?"

"Marco, look, Keith wouldn't let us boys wash our hair, and he hated having dirty hair. That is why his hair was always clean and soft."

And I walked out and went to rest on my bed, than another problem occured.

"Just admit it egg head, you're bed wetter."

"Am not pigeon face!"

Eren and Connie started fighting so to me, enough was enough.

I walked out of the barracks, went to the storage cupboard, took out a tent, a foam mattress, a shit tone of blankets and a lantern. I packed them all up grabbed some snacks and water bottles.

I walked to the stables and set up a horse got on him and before I left, I heard,

"Bertholdt where you going?"

I said with an annoyed tone, "getting away from here."

"Can I come?"

I turned and saw Reiner, I said in a dead voice, "no."

Than took off into the night.

When I arrived at my spot, I started up a campfire and set up my tent. I got ready for bed and tucked myself in. While I was falling asleep, something woke me, footsteps, I thought it was an animal, but my thinking changed when I heard,

"Holy shit, that's the colossal titan, I don't care."

Before I lifted up my head and saw my bag of snacks being taken out by a hand, I went to grab it, but I just missed, quickly got out of the tent, grabbed a lantern and ran after the person than lost him.

I was wondering around until I heard, "food, food, food, yummy food."

I followed the sound, which led me into a cave and you will not believe who it was, Marco Bodt.

He was eating my cinnamon rolls I made for myself. He was eating like how Sasha ate that potato during the opening ceremony.

I said with my voice shaking, "oh, uh, hey Marco how are you doing being alive?"

He said nothing and he continued to eat my beloved cinnamon rolls.

I said trying to be polite, "Marco, may I please have my food back, I'll give you half, I'll come back tomorrow mid day and give you more food."

Again, nothing, just him eating my cinnamon rolls.

I said almost crying, "please stop eating my cinnamon rolls!"

He ate them even faster than before.

I yelled, "Marco do not forget that I am the colossal titan!"

Than finally Marco said something, he said with a bit of an angry tone, "exactly, these cinnamon rolls represent my gear and I'm Annie."

He continued to eat all of my beloved cinnamon rolls, than I noticed something on his arm. It looked like a bite... From a human! It was very red and it looked like pussy was coming out of it. It was clear as day that is was infected.

I asked softly, "can I check that wound out."

He moved away from me but he continued to eat the last cinnamon roll. Now that didn't mean anything, I need to check that wound and see if I could treat it.

I tried getting close but he wouldn't, he almost bit me when I grabbed his wrist. Luckily I pulled away quick enough, I realised that I wasn't getting my food back, so I just walked away from him, grabbed the lantern.

I said softly, "I'll be back mid day tomorrow and I will treat that wound. Looks pretty serious."

And I walked back to my campsite and I went to sleep pretty hungry.

the child in the forest Where stories live. Discover now