𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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It's been quite stressful lately especially all the paperwork I had to do nonstop, at least I've gotten quite fast on doing it and now I've got some time to spare

" Hannah, I'll be at Athy's chambers just call me once my paperworks arrives" I said as I glance at the maid who had lavender hair tied in a bun with sparkling silver eyes

"I shall Prince" She bowed as she quickly returned to tidy up the huge amounts of papers on my desk

Hannah is my personal maid and the only one who knows I'm a Prince among the maids (except Lily) since I've been announced as his Majesty's personal scholar

"Prince my apologies but you forgot your magic artifact" she quickly placed the magic artifact on a piece of cloth as she reached out her hands. The cloth was placed at her palms with the artifact on top

"Oh right I forgot, Thank you Hannah" I took the artifact which was an ear piece and wore it immediately

My Jewel blue eyes changed to a precious violet as I slowly left the room

The maids greeted me as I pass by the halls. "Oh Hello Mr. Scholar!" Mr. Scholar visiting the princess I see!"

I've gotten quite close with them instantly since I wasn't any high noble or Royalty they weren't afraid of approaching me

I knocked on the door to be greeted by Lily as she smiled brightly at me

"Oh Princ- I mean Mr. Scholar it's nice to see you" Lily quickly glanced to see if anyone heard her mistake as she slowly let me in

I saw Athy as she was coloring,she was laying on the ground as her platinum blonde hair flutter in the wind, she was humming happily that made me chuckle at the sight of her. I was too focus on the adorable sight to notice a certain someone glaring daggers at me

"Greetings Princesss" I bowed as she quickly turned to my direction as her eyes sparkle

"Brother you're here!~" She quickly stood up as looked with me with a bright smile, I couldn't help but smile too until I was interrupted by a voice

"Princess my apologies but please don't call him brother what if someone heard you" Felix said as he glared daggers at me

"I-i- But there's no one here!" She pouted as she glanced at me. I smiled at her signing her it's okay before she hesitantly agreed

I honestly don't know the reason why was Felix Suddenly acting so cold towards me. I only remembered it started when he was called by His Majesty, leading him to have this attitude towards me

"Mr.Scholar don't you have any paperwork to do? instead of being a lazy brat" Felix gave me a cold look as he cross his arms

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑼𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 ʷᵐᵐᵃᵖ ˣ ᵐᵃˡᵉ ᵒᶜWhere stories live. Discover now