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     In life, you meet different types of people. Each person has a different purpose. However, there's one person that you can't understand what their purpose was. That's the monster we all fall in love with. He was everything I ever needed in life; he was sweet, funny, and caring. I met him in my junior year of high school, and he made me feel like I was special, and I felt like nothing could ever hurt me. Unfortunately, it was all a lie.
He isn't the typical guy that wants to see you succeed. He doesn't hype you up, instead, he drags you down, he doesn't tell you how beautiful you are, instead, he tells you what's wrong with you. Love and compassion aren't what drives this monster;  It's hate, and jealousy. Putting you down, and seeing you defenseless is what drives him. He doesn't love himself, he hates himself, he can't find his motivation, so in his dark mind the only thing that makes him feel alive, the thing that drives him the very most is to make you feel the way he has always felt his whole life. Because He can't love himself, so why should you right?
His intentions aren't pure, he doesn't want to love you as no one has before. He doesn't want to make you his wife. He wants to get in between your legs. He doesn't love you. He loves what you have to offer him. He sees that light within you; he saw it from a mile away. He envied that happiness, and self-love you had. He made you believe his intentions were to be forever

together, but they really just broke you down, piece by piece. Until you were a shell of the girl you once were.

His desires are obvious because you see as time passes he no longer sends you good morning texts, or tells you he loves you. The only time you feel as if he cares is when you're laying there in his bed. He tells you, you're all he wants in life, and that if you were to leave he would die. However, all the signs point the opposite way. Those wedding bells you heard when he gave you the promise ring, were alarms. His true desires are simple, he wants to use you like he was used. He wants you to feel every ounce of pain he felt. His desires are what makes you think you're showing too much skin when you wear that dress you feel pretty in, or that you're fat because you ate the rest of his lunch.
This leads us to that million-dollar question. The one that keeps most people awake at night, the one that makes your skin crawl. "What is his purpose?" Is it to hurt you? Or is it to just slowly kill you inside? Well, I'm sorry because I can't give you a factual answer, only an educated guess. What purpose could this once sweet boy have for destroying you? Why would he put out that fire that lives in you? The simple answer is that he's terrified. He doesn't even know his purpose. He might, in fact, love you, however, something happened to him. Someone saw his light, his potential and they destroyed it. They took a once amazing kid and made him into a monster. Now as the days turn into weeks he looks at you and sees what he use to be. His purpose/ hope is to regain that light, that motivation by stealing yours. He may love you, however, he can't fully love you if he can't love himself.

Who's the monster of this story? Is it that boy that dimmed your light? Or is it the person that put out his fire? People aren't born monsters, they're made into them. They get hurt and scared so they put up this wall to prevent that pain from ever happening again. The truth is he's scared you're going to destroy him, so he destroys you. As much as I wanted to say that boy I love so very much is a monster, I can't morally do it because I know, and you know that the true monster in nonetheless fear it's self.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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