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Author's Pov

M/n was walking around the woods,  enjoying the cold night air. It was a misty night.

There were hardly any clouds in that sky, so the moon and stars were easy to see. M/n was thinking about what he would do tomorrow.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard crying.

He stopped walking and looked towards the sound. He started to run towards the crying because he didn't know if the person was in trouble or hurt.

When he was close enough to see where the sound was coming from, he saw a small boy crying. He walked to the kid and crouched down, "Hey what's wrong kid?" He asked calmly, so he didn't scare the poor boy.

The kid turned towards him but instead of answering his question, grabbed his neck which shocked M/n.

M/n watched in fear seeing something greenish black coming from the boy and transferring itself to him.

When the kid let go he collapsed onto the forest floor. M/n picked up the kid and started to bolt out of the forest not knowing that the boy was dead.

When he got to the hospital with the body of the boy, the doctors told him to leave the hospital and they would call the parents of the boy.

M/n nodded and left.

He walked to his apartment and entered it. It was fairly big. It had a small kitchen, also a small living room. The next room consists of his bedroom with a separate bathroom.

The bedroom had an art desk that was pretty messy, and a fairly big bed that can fit two people.

M/n sighed and walked to his kitchen, he opened the fridge and got something to drink. He was still a bit shaken up after whole ordeal in the woods with the kid, but he still had to help the kid.

He went to his room to look out the window overlooking the city. As he entered his room he heard a voice "Food" it says.

M/n shook his head startled a bit after hearing the voice. He looked around to see where it came from but he saw no one. "What the hell?" He thought to himself but he listened to the voice.

He walked to the kitchen to grab f/f. When he got it he sat down on his couch and turned on the TV as he ate. M/n yawned sleeply and fell asleep on the couch.

He woke up the next morning confused as all hell as he woke up in his bed instead of on the couch.

He brushed it off as him just sleep walking.

M/n walked to his drawing table and began to draw things that came to his mind unaware of the floating head of his new symbiote companion watching him draw.

He looked to his right and saw the symbiote out of the corner of his eye but didn't think much of it for a second.

He looked over to the thing scared as all hell. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" M/n screamed and he was pretty sure he scared his neighbors.

"Quiet." The thing said to M/n with in a husky, demonic voice.

M/n was still tense but he kept quiet as he didn't know what this thing was capable of.

The things head retreated back into M/n's body and he was still very tense after what happened.

Somehow, he knew him and this thing would get used to each other.

One week later.

"We told you being a villain would be EXCITING!" M/n sighed in agreement as he was walking away from a person that poison bit the head off of.

"I knew we would get along Poison." He said to the symbiote's head floating beside him as they were heading back to M/n's apartment.

"We are glad we chose you." Poison said and M/n just nodded.

End of prolog.

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