Once Upon A Time

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"Come along, Dinah!" Alice called to her small kitten. Alice was a seven year old girl who loved to explore. Specifically exploring old, dangerous, and absolutely BONKER places. Dinah reluctantly stepped carefully throughout the old attic.

'What's this?' Dinah seemed to say. She nudged a small crate with her nose, catching Alice's attention.

"I'm not sure, Dinah," Alice pretended to understand the kitten. "Let's see!" Alice crawled toward the crate, sitting cross-legged and resting it in her lap. A small storybook rested inside.

'Read it!' Dinah urged. Alice rolled her eyes and opened the book. She began to read aloud:

Once Upon a Time, there were a young woman and man called Mira and Leopoldo. They lived in one of the realms of an ancient land called the Disneyverse. They had two twin children, Gerald and Lucinda. The family couldn't afford much, but Leopoldo earned what he could from his job of making mirrors.

But Mira had a hobby that was worthwhile; she had learned the gift of magic. She used her gifts to give her family what she thought they deserved; a nice cottage with an ever-increasing amount of food, which was rare in the kingdom for which they lived. The couple had cared less about their two children and more about their abundance of wealth, leaving the children to fend for themselves.

Mira and Leopoldo weren't careful; Mira had used her magic too often and too carelessly. A member of the King's guard had found her conjuring food in her husband's shop. The pair were tried with treason, but Gerald made the unwise decision to speak out against his King. He was killed in front of his parents and younger sister.

Lucinda, the careful and agile, had snuck away and wasn't captured. She, like her mother, was blessed with the gift of magic. Lucinda, unlike her mother, had realized the differences in their powers; Lucinda's magic was called Light Magic, that conjured happiness and blessings. Mira's magic was Black Magic, wielded by villains.

Lucinda had found her way to the Central Kingdom of the Disneyverse called Corona. In Corona, she practiced magic on the happiest things she could find; flowers. Corona was ruled by wise King David and Queen Sophia, with two princes. Their names were Roy and Walt.

Mira and Leopoldo were now rotting in the Royal Prison. But Mira's charming looks had won the heart of the recently-widowed King. He soon had decided that he was to marry her, leaving her husband forever.

But Leopoldo had fallen sick. A sickness that couldn't be cured. Atleast, not by black magic. Mira had decided that she would marry the king on one condition; he had to let her return to her cottage and retrieve an item; her mirror.

Once Mira had returned to the castle, she performed one final spell; she transported Leopoldo's sick body inside the mirror, making him immortal and giving her a servant.

If there was one person Mira couldn't learn to care for, it was the King's spoiled daughter, Snow White. Mira, now overcome with anger and jealousy, wanted the throne to herself, forgetting of her missing daughter and dead son. Mira poisoned the King in order to keep the crown. But Snow White had witnessed the entire crime. Mira had forced Snow White to work as a servant in exchange for not being thrown out of the castle as a commoner.

Lucinda, now a young woman, had become quite good with Light Magic. She had practiced daily, and her flowers had blossomed into beautiful golden orchids, the most rare flower in all of Corona.

It was around this time where Queen Sophia was expecting another child. Another member of the royal family. But she had fallen sick, and was certain to die.

One day, Walt and Roy had discovered Lucinda practicing her magic, and had taken one of her flowers. They gave it to their mother as hope of an antidote, and it worked. Queen Sophia gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Rapunzel.

The King had appointed Lucinda as the Royal Sorceress, and she had become the family's closest advisor. In honor of her nobility, grace, and wisdom, Lucinda had become The Blue Fairy.

But she had also caught the eye of the two Princes. Lucinda was indeed beautiful, with hair as golden yellow as the sun and eyes as blue as the ocean. And she had also proven herself of noble heart; she had, after all, saved the lives of two members of the royal family.

The bond of the two princes had shattered. They no longer were as close as they had been. They no longer cared of studies, but only courting Lucinda. While Walt was smart and kind, Roy was wicked and cunning. Walt was wise. Roy was unpredictable.

Lucinda and Roy had spent many afternoons together. She had taken a liking to the young man and enjoyed his company. For two years, they had spent time together. So much time, in fact, that Lucinda began to fall in love with Roy.

To better his chances of winning the fairy's heart, Roy had tried to poison his brother. Lucinda, disgusted with the man she thought she had known so well, chose Walt. The King and Queen banished their son from Corona, never to see him again.

Three months later, Lucinda had truly fallen in love with Walt and recreated what she had felt with Roy. They spent morning, evening, and night together. The two were married, and Lucinda had finally obtained what she'd wanted for so long; a family that had loved her.

One night, a group of three fairies had requested to see Lucinda. The three fairies explained to her a prophecy. The prophecy stated that no matter how good or evil the two raised their offspring, the first would become a power greater than any of the realms and stronger than both of the brothers combined. The child had to be given up for the good of the Disneyverse. And it would return when the time was right.

Lucinda had given birth to a beautiful girl. The couple had chosen the name Adabowe, meaning 'heir to the crown'. But just as the fairies predicted, there were no joyful bells ringing or people cheering; Adabowe had been born inside the basement of the castle, non-existent to the outside world.

No one in the Disneyverse could know Adabowe existed.

Alice turned the page, but there was nothing there but a blank space.

"Alice! It's time for Tea!" Margaret, Alice's older sister, called her downstairs.

"I'm coming, one second!" Alice closed the book and placed it back in the crate, shoving the crate under a few quilts. She crawled back downstairs, Dinah following behind her.



yea sorry. I'm just excited to post this first part.

so, first off, I would like to dedicate whatever this book is to LeslieTheSorceress , literally one of my best internet friends. She's such a good and sweet person, AND WE HAVE KNIGHTED EACHOTHER INTO BAEHOOD LIKE WAT

*Leslie if I haven't already knighted you, you have been knighted. YASS FELLOW SISTER IN ARMS

anyway, I hope you all enjoy The Lost Heir. I've been anticipating this FOREVER and yeah


The Lost Heir .:Disney Fic:.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt