Walking Under the Big Apple

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It was a cold, rainy night in the streets of Manhattan with a full moon shining brightly in the sky.

Within the hustle and bustle of the city streets, there was a tiny part that went completely unnoticed.

About a week ago, an unknown force had shrunk you down to 2 inches in height. Ever since then, you've been wandering the streets of New York city, trying your best to stay alive.

While you managed to keep on living, life at such a small size in the city was going as horribly as it could have. You had nearly been stepped on more times than you could count, barely escaped being rat food, and just barely escaped being part of a business woman's lunch. After all you had been through, you thought there was nothing else that could surprise you (Boy were you wrong).

As you walked along the edge of the sidewalk, you looked back to see an object swinging across the buildings. It looked like a person dressed in white. They were swinging towards you at an impressive speed, which made you anxious. As you looked at the figure, you noticed that their elevation was falling closer and closer to your level as they came nearer. You began to walk at a faster pace, but before you could react, the figure swung by you at incredible speed and shot what appeared to be webs in your direction. You were hit by the web and snatched up with little effort.

You were enveloped by complete darkness as the person wrapped their hand around you. You were experiencing a highly volatile mixture of emotions as you sat inside the closed hand. You were worried about what the person was going to do with you. You could only sit and wait as the figure swung from building to building.

Eventually, you felt your captor land on a solid surface, most likely a building, before sitting down. In an instant, the light of the moon flooded down on you as your captor's hand opened up. To your surprise, the gigantic figure who had scooped you up was the super heroine known as Ghost Spider.

Spider Gwen: Hey there little fella!

You were unsure how to respond, so you just waved at your giantess captor. She waved back at you with a cute giggle.

Spider Gwen: Aw! You're so adorable.

You blushed at this statement.

Spider Gwen: So how did you get so small?

Y/N: I have no idea. I was just going about my day as usual, and suddenly I shrunk down to the size that I am now.

Spider Gwen: Well I'm just glad that I finally found you, Y/N.

You were comforted by the statement, until something hit you.

Y/N: Wait a minute, how do you know my name?!

Ghost Spider's body shifted back a little as she realized her slip up.

Spider Gwen: Oh crap! I didn't mean to say that. Guess I have no choice but to tell you who I really am.

Ghost Spider then reached her hand to the part of her neck where her mask and bodysuit met. Grasping it, she slowly pulled her mask off to reveal her identity to you.

You couldn't believe it, Ghost Spider was none other than... Gwen Stacy!!!

Gwen was a schoolmate of your's at college. She was a very kind person, lovingly caring to everyone that deserved it. When you first met Gwen, the two of you quickly became friends. Whenever you felt down, she was able to cheer you up with her wit and smile. Her kindness and beauty were the reasons you eventually developed a crush on her. You also developed a crush on Ghost Spider, and it was now clear to you why.

Spider Gwen: Now you know why I always look so tired in class.

Y/N: Yeah, being a superhero can't be an easy job.

Spider Gwen: Nailed it! You always nail it.

Y/N: Say, have you been looking for me?

Spider Gwen: Yeah, what gave it away?

Y/N: You snatched me up off the street quite easily for a person of my stature. Also, you said you FINALLY FOUND ME.

Spider Gwen: Oh yeah, I did. I noticed that you weren't coming to classes the last few days. I asked a few friends to see if they knew anything. I wasn't getting any useful information... until I talked to Tina.

Y/N: Tina, that's right!

Spider Gwen: Yeah, she told me how she found you mysteriously shrunk while walking down the street. She was going to take care of you, but then she got butterfingers, you fell back to the ground and she couldn't find you. She was pretty upset.

Y/N: Well tell her I'm fine as soon as you can.

Spider Gwen: I'll be sure to do that. Now how about I take you back to my place.

Y/N: Sure thing. I'll get on your shoulder and ride as your co-pilot.

Spider Gwen: Yeah, no can do! I don't want you to become a red splat on the pavement.

Y/N: I'll hold on tight.

Spider Gwen: I'm gonna put you under my mask and in my hair instead. That sound good to you?

Y/N: Sure, put me in.

Gwen lifted you up to her face. She paused for a moment as you saw her lovely eyes scanning over your tiny form. This sent an odd sense of warmth through your body. She then placed you in her yellowish blonde hair and pulled her mask over her face before swinging off to her home.

This was the beginning of something great for you, and the excitement was just getting started.

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