Untitled Part 1 How to learn to choose a good "fine tea"?

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 If you want to taste the aroma and rhythm of tea, you must first learn how to choose and buy good tea leaves, otherwise tea art will be just empty talk. Therefore, "fine tea" has become a key link in the tea art.

Most of the tea the ancients drank is pure tea, so the method of identification is re-latively simple. For example, Lu Yu said in the "Tea Classic": "The wild ones go to the gardens; the purple ones go to the green ones..." Nowadays, due to cultivation, With the development of picking and production technology, there are many kinds of tea, so it is more difficult to identify. Generally speaking, the best quality is the new tea.

Under normal circumstances, new tea refers to the tea made from the first few batches of fresh tea leaves picked from the tea trees in the spring of that year and processed

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Under normal circumstances, new tea refers to the tea made from the first few batches of fresh tea leaves picked from the tea trees in the spring of that year and processed. The institutions or departments that purchase tea refer to "grabbing the new", the institutions or departments that distribute tea refer to the "marketing of new tea", and the tea consumers refer to "tasting the new", which usually refer to the earliest picking and processing of tea each year. The first batches of tea leaves made.In addition, new tea can also refer to tea leaves that were picked from tea trees and processed in the same year; old tea refers to tea leaves that were picked a year or more ago and processed and made, which is relative to new tea. .As the saying goes, "drinking tea needs to be new, and drinking needs to be old", which is the experience summed up by people after long-term practice. For most tea varieties, new tea is indeed better than old tea. Tang Geng of the Song Dynasty once wrote in "The Story of Tea Fighting": "When I hear tea, I don't ask the group to carry it, but it is expensive and new, and the water does not ask the Jiangjing. From the point of view of taste and shape, it gives people a sense of freshness and is called "fresh and fragrant".

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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