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Name: Shaun Daiki

Age: Just turned 15 years old

Hair color: Blonde brown ish

Eye color: Green

Hair length: Lower back

Body type: Generally buff and thick

Height: 7'3 (Tall ass motherfucker)

Power: 5/5

Speed: 5/5

Adaptability: 4/5

Stamina: 1.5/5

Amount of as- cake: 10/5 (Mom genetics really be pushing here)

Accuracy: 4.5/5

Yes I know that's basic as fuck but SHUSH KEBAB this is my OC >:(

Nationality: Japanese British

Likes: Technology shit, good food, his mom, his muscles, soccer, anime his sister (kinda).

Dislikes: His height, bad food and his sister (kinda).

General: Shaun is half introverted and half extroverted, very nice if you're nice to him, won't hate you unless you hate him.


Yes I know this will be this kind of story, it'll be one of those that the OC is pretty buff but super tall.

Also I'm pretty busy so please tell me if I should write this story

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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