Ch(1) Were going where?!

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As Y/n and Jordan were driving to Y/n temporary home she could feel something was off with Jordan.

" Jordan your being awfully quiet... what are you hiding?!" Y/n said with a smirk curling up on her face. Jordan looked at you with unease in her eyes.

"I don't know what you mean?"  

"I mean your acting strange which in that case means your hiding something."

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, come on Jordan spill it. I know your hiding somethi-"

"Alright I Invited Mrs. Hallsburg from down the street over for dinner."

"So that's why you bought an extra bag of tofu stir fry! Thats stuff is gross by the way." Y/n said mumbling the last part. 

~♥~ 1st pov ~♥~

Finally, we parked in front of Jordan's home, and went inside. As we put the paper bags down on the counter, I sensed something was off.  Everything was completely dark, and when Jordan tried flipping the switch for the lights. it wouldn't turn on. 

"Come on" Jordan said in a groan.

"Y/n follow me." Jordan commanded then grabbed a flashlight turning it on, so we wouldn't be totally in the dark. We walked down the hall then turned right to a door that led to a stairs case going down.

'Must be the basement' I thought. 

"Watch your step it's steep down here." Jordan said sternly as if I would Tripp and fall. 

When we made it to the hard cold concrete floor Jordan aimed her flashlight trying to find the electrical box to turn on the lights again. But then a giant falling noise erupted the silence and made Jordan scream. 

"Hello?!" Jordan said aiming her flashlight where the noise was. But then she shook it off and finally found the electric box and opened it. 

"Y/n would you aim the flashlight to that button please?" Jordan asked handing me the flashlight. I nodded and shined the flashlight on the box full of buttons and wires. 

But once she turned the button on and closed the door. A skull man came at as screaming. But then I hit it with the metal flashlight on its head, and a familiar voice rang out of the mask.  

Jordan finally got the lights back on and the skull man took off his mask reveiling hunter. 

"What's your problem?" Hunter asks me with a glare, rubbing the top of his head. 

"Hunter! How many times have I told you not to do that to me, and y/n?" Jordan asks walking away from hunter with me following her. But Hunter then looks at his camera when he took a picture of us screaming and spoke.

"This is a really good one! "

"Ugh! Come on we have to make dinner." Jordan said while walking to the kitchen. 

~♥~ 3rd pov ~♥~

As Jordan was putting plates and napkins on the table Y/n could smell the Tofu stir fry cooking, to Y/n it smelled disgusting. Then she heard.

" Destructor 4 the download of death"

'Here we go again.' Y/n thought.

"Did I tell you Destructor 4 comes out this weekend?" Hunter asks smiling ear to ear at his laptop. 

"Yeah yeah, you've mentioned it." Jordan said rolling her eyes putting a napkin by Hunter laptop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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