Klee and Jean

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In 2022, people asked Elon Musk when they could go to Mars. In 2034, people are asking when they can leave. There are terrible working conditions, and all you can do there is either mine or make food. Although the mines are quite interesting, they have the working conditions of The Hoover Dam: many dead, many sick, many tired. The smell is like a rotting onion. It sounds like a football stadium. Not to mention the children here have no school, and you can't leave. Jean is lucky. Jean is an engineer for the mines, keeping the oxygen and pressure levels stable. Klee, her lovely little ten year old, awaits her at their living quarters. You must be asking why this base has no name, but it does. The Greek God of War owns this place, Ares's Haven. Fitting, as war is the order of the day. But there's something wrong in the mines. There's something terrible. The neglect to the outer casing has caused a pressure leak. Every single one of these mortals heads will simply blow up like a ticking time bomb, that is if the engineers cant fix it.
"I'm going home now," Jean says to her coworkers. Jean puts on her oxygen suit, and she begins to head home. When she gets home, she opens the door to the sweet smell of honey buns in the kitchen. It was like heaven in heck. Wait, honey buns?! "Klee, are you cooking again, like I told you not to?!" Jean yells, angrily.
"Uh... yes?" little Klee responds nervously.
"I told you not to do that anymore!" Jean yells.
"Ok..." Klee says sadly.
"But it does smell good. Almost like the cinnamon rolls Mom used to make me back on Earth,"
Jean says under her breath.
There's a knock at the door. Jean and Klee think of who it could possibly be.
A guard-looking person is at the door when Jean opens it. The guard says,"ma'am, you need to
come with us, now."
"Ok," Jean says hesitantly.
They walk to the engineering headquarters. They need Jean out there, at the mines. She says she would go, but she wants to take Klee with her, fearing she may blow up the apartment-like living area if left unattended. They agree.
"Ok, are you ready, Klee," Jean asks.
"Yeah!" Klee says excitedly.
They walk out together, and Jean immediately notices the problem. The concrete didn't hold. Jean
begins to run, knowing the situation must be dealt with swiftly. "Wait up, Mom!" Klee yells.
Jean doesn't stop. Jean sees the dire situation, looks around for solutions, and thinks about how to fix the problem.
"Oh, ok, I'll just play with some guobas." Klee says. She sits down and starts picking up the bugs to play with them. Now then, you must be wondering what are guobas?
"Gosh! This crack is like the summer concrete back in Texas, and I have no idea how to fix this!" Jean says. The had rocks spiiling out of it like water
As it turns out, it was people's heads. They passed out, and there was only a small amount of time until their heads exploded. Klee heads over to where Jean is.
"Woah, that's a big crack, Mom! It's like if a pizza was just cut in half! What if we put the guobas in there to stop it?" Klee asks.
"Child, you are brilliant! Ok, now gather as much as you can!" Jean says.
They gather all the guobas they can, and start stuffing them into the crack. It was working. Once they finished, Jean radioed HQ to pressurize and add oxygen to the mines. They follow swiftly, wondering if this would work. It did, and everyone was saved! When Jean and Klee got word, they celebrated!
    They are little bugs. When you
  think of a guoba, think of a marshmallow. They are squishy, soft and stick
in addition, they also have the ability to be sticky.
They can also be fluid-like;
  As Klee was playing with the guobas peacefully, Jean hears a bunch of thumps, like a sandbag
hitting soil.

Back at home, Jean allows Klee to make honey buns all by herself, knowing that she could. They . People may be young, but we all have the potential to do anything.
spend their night eating honey buns and drinking coco-goat milk all night, which

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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