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                                                                                               A Spark 

                      Everyone has a story to tell, some might be longer than others. But from mistakes there are great stories.Like Heartbreaks,childhood ruined or Marriages broken apart. This world has a lot to give and things  to take away from you,even the ones you love the most. Nature can be beautiful and relaxing but sometimes even nature can become your enemy. Human beings were created to live in this world but from the beginning of time we tried to destroy it. Since the days of Adam and Eve, sins were made. We have disobeyed God but God still forgives us from the horrible things we do. From Lies to murder, From wanting something to stealing, The seven dealy sins have been around since 4004 B.C. This world is cruel and dishonest but there's people out there that still see the good in this world, and Honestly I think I'm one of them. I always see the positive side of everything. And what I have realized is that small things matter. And Always be yourself.At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself. We all have purpose in life, that's the reason why we came to this world, the purpose of our lives is to be happy and do what we love. And if you ever feel down just know that life keeps going shouldn't stay behind, locked in the past,and thinking of what you could have done to change it. Instead leave it like that and keep moving on, like once a smart gentlemen said "Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance,you must keep moving"-Albert Einstein


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