Chapter 2: She Don't Say

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This is awkward, why did you do that, you dork! Why Waybright, why?

"YOU... YOU KISSED HER ON THE FOREHEAD?!" Anne almost cries at how stupid I did.

I grab my eyes dragging down the shame.

"That was an impulsive act! I learned it from the show! That rom-com Thai series you showed us? The boy kissed the forehead of the girl who had been crying! Isn't that normal?"

Anne laughs at me, while I am in my regretting moment. Anne smacks my back.

"Well, it is! But how you guys react is super duper awkward! And heck, you have a crush on her! Talk about a long dang time!"

I blink in turmoil at Anne. "How long you've been shipping me and Marcy?"

I clutch her seat, scowling at Anne with the face of betrayal how-could-you? Anne holds up her hands in resignation.

Anne protects herself, "It's not me! It's the people! I just knew how dorky you two are! And assumed you guys have a crush on each other! Heck, there's even a club called Sasharcy for the both of you!"

I am flabbergasted.

"THERE'S A NAME FOR OUR FREAKING SHIP? What is wrong with them?"

Anne hums, "Well, you see..."

Anne explains, as her words were delivered, my thoughts grew louder and louder.

No no no this cannot be happening. Not now, not today and not her! Stop it, feelings! No no no! You are not in love with your best friend! Get a grip, girl! Avoid it just avoid it!

"Everybody knows that she has a crush on Sawyer. Except for Sawyer himself" I blurted out.

Anne gasps, "Marcy has a crush on your former boyfriend and your long nemesis?! Does Marcy know about this? We should tell her! Sawyer is-"

I raise my head just to look at her. Shaking my head in disagreement. My feelings are irresistible, I don't know what to do. It's messed up.

"And what? Break her heart with the truth? She'll be bitter and miserable if I'm the one who told her that! Plus, Marcy has had a crush on that Sawyer boy for five years Anne. Five years!"

I sounded more weak and forlorn than I thought I could be.

Anne sighs and pats my shoulders."If face her like a grown-up, I will. I can do it for you, you know."

"Boonchuy, I just need some time to tell her, what I'm pointed on right now is her emotional well-being. What is something to cheer her up? Anything, maybe a movie night? Marathon series? A theme park? I should rent the whole place!"

Anne laughs again, "Oh ho ho, since when you are determined and soft to Marcy Wu? Ms Waybrute?"

I groan loudly and slam my head against the table. "Urgh! Stoooooop! Anne this is serious!"

Ugh, this is getting messier than before.

Anne clears her throat and sweepingly raised her hand." Or maybe..."

I turn my head to see Anne, smiling brightly at the scheme. A good one.

"Sasha, I am disappointed that you missed one and two important events. One goes first obviously."

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