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"I am Aryah!" she tries to sound welcoming and energetic but she is really tired. It seems like was a long time ago that she saw someone. Only her goal kept her together and she walked. Finally she saw someone.No, Two people! So she smiles at them.

Hearing her voice they almost get surprised. It is unique to them.

The two individuals resembles kangaroos and slightly goat like she is not too sure. Even though curious, she will not ask them about it. She doesn't want to come of as rude.

"can you help me out of this forest please?"

They are male and female. Both of them share a look of understanding with each other.

'They seems to go to the village so this should not be a burden to them.'

"where do you want to go?"

"the village..." Aryah does not know still how far it is so she reluctantly says. She just wants to get out of here and somewhere safe which she hadn't felt since she left the hut. And... Eros.

As if realizing that she is not harmful well far from it  the female smiles back at her, "Get in quickly it is getting darker!"

The male nods his head before jumping on to the horse . He does not want to be late so he doesn't argue with this and there is no harm helping this little fellow.

Everyone knows how dangerous the forest can be during night times. So Doek feels empathic towards Aryah.

Aryah finally sighs with relief. The female is sitting beside her, taking frequent glances at her and the male is riding the carriage in the front . Surprisingly the old looking carriage is moving really fast filled with woods and herbs . They are in a hurry to go to the village...

Aryah's feet hurt from the extreme walking, her left arm has been sliced by the many bushes when she was following the way to light and her heart still hasn't calm down from the fear for staying in the forest alone for almost all day.

She desperately wants to close her eyes but sitting with some strangers, it is not a good idea. Even though they look kind to her.
She just feels restless and endangered for some reason.

The sound of wooden wheels bumping on the uneven road  fills the atmosphere...


"You are a beautiful one..."

The sudden sentence startles Aryah. She was staring outside the window subconsciously gripping her stomach.
She looks at her feeling shy. She doesn't know what to reply to this. 

The female chuckles.

Dorian truns back to glance at them. He thinks his sister is correct. But if they are going the same way why they have never seen her before. Surely they would have noticed this exquisite female. A newcomer?
His thoughts get interrupted by a sudden roar. The horse stops on the stop for a second then speeds up. 'This is not good' Dorian thinks sweating a bit.

Inside Aryah sits up straight hearing the thunder like roar.

Soon heavy thumping sounds can be heard.

Beside her Doek looks around alarmed.

"Brother they are more than one" her voice shakey. "Hurry up!"

"What is it! We are almost in the village. No one supposed to hunt here!" he almost screams the words but the harsh wind blows them away.

They are getting closer she can feel it, the woods rattles vibrating everything, she  bumps herself on them from.

Aryah clasps the window frame tightly and fearfully peeks her eyes go wide looking behind...

Author's words:

a small one for today. But next chapter will be coming sooner

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