Golden Hand-cuffs

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Kazumi Shirabu, the youngest daughter of the family of the Shirabus. When she was born many people were stunned by her looks. "She is beautiful" many people would comment.

From the day she was born many people would think she would grow up to be a dancer or a model. Even then many people weren't surprised when her parents decided to put her in as an aerialist from the age of 6. Even though she was only six when she started she had this obvious passion for it.

Because of the sudden change she had a hard time adapting to the change. She was only six after all when her life had gone from 'normal' to an eventful lifestyle. Since she was put in silks at a young age she was said to start competing near the age of 14. Even though she was a quick learner and practiced everyday, her parents preferred her to also start other things and not only rely on silks to carry her name.

At the age of 8 they decided to make her join her close friend Kimiko in modeling camps and put her in acting classes and signed her up for auditions. She was quite a good actor. Many loved her and acted in a popular movie series which made her climb the popularity charts in a small amount of time.

At the age of 10 Kazumi lost her dad due to an accident he was in. Her mom easily remarried to another arrogant rich guy. Although this guy already had a past wife and a child, which meant she was going to have another sibling named Kumaii. At first the two weren't very fond of each other at first, but soon started to bond over little things, such as the way they were treated. Despite having 2 older siblings they weren't close and didn't even talk.

Normally she would have changed her last name to 'Tsukishima' after her mom married him. Although because of her reputation she didn't have to but instead Kumaii and Her dad took the last name 'Shirabu'

Kazumi was glad she had someone she could talk to other than Kimiko and Mary. Soon the two of them grew close to Kumaii, the four would try to hang out as much as possible. Although that wasn't very often, they loved when they could work around their schedules and meet up. After all, they were just kids.

Although many were stunned when her parents upheld tradition and left her to be wed to the 2nd son of the Semis. They got many rude comments because of this action although they didn't give much care to it. Their reputation, never because of their personalities. Many hated the Shirabus because of the way they would act, although they always seemed to be either extremely pretty and talented or extremely smart. Each and everyone of them had made a good name for themselves.

Kazumi was not an exception to this. She was born very pretty and many people commented on how she looked. When she was 6 her parents saw that she had a talent for silks and was quick to start her training. Being the youngest of the 3 siblings many were surprised when she announced to be the one to be the partner to Semi Eita as many were expecting it to be her older sister Himiko.

When they were in middle school they realized they figured out they had real feelings for each other and weren't completely domed by the wedding. The public was happy for them that they were able to date out of love instead of just being together for their families. They themselves were glad that they truly loved each other.

Although of course her life wasn't perfect, whenever she'd come home her parents and siblings were always fighting. Kumaii normally opted to stay at her boyfriend Kageyama Tobios house. Leaving her alone, chopped up in her room or studio, she would call her friends or boyfriend whenever she felt lonely but a lot of them were always busy and so was she.

She always had something to do, normally didn't even have enough time to think about much. She had photoshoots, practice, studying to do and much more. Not adding she had a relationship to catch up with though both of them were tied to each other anyways so neither was very worried about it they of course loved each other but they had many other things to worry about.

She didn't have much of a life outside of work, practice and school. She had a decent love life but they didn't want to take it too fast as they had plenty of time to. She has friends, she was really popular in school but only close to a few people. She had a personality like her sister Himiko, salty to most but has a soft spot to those closest to her.

Her parents would hit or ground her if she got anything other than an A+ or higher, sometimes opting to even send her to long strict modeling camps. Whenever she had a scar, like everyone else in her family she'd cover it with make-up and practice, perform, study etc. even if the pain was really bad.

Semi was someone Kazumi could be herself with, they were stuck together anyways. They both truly loved each other and were always there when they needed the other. They also learned to say they were going on a 'date' whenever something came up and they didn't want to take part in.

Her parents never loved her and she was perfectly fine with that, it hurt of course but she had adapted to that. As Long as there were people who loved her, she could live with the fact her parents don't.

Kazumi Shirabu's life wasn't the perfect life people thought she'd have, after all she was just another pawn for her parent's game, but there was always a light at the end of a tunnel she just hadn't gotten there yet.

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