One-Shot(hope ya like it)

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Yuko got the best idea when he was making some tea, quickly, he typed in the group chat:

(Me) HELLO!!!!!!



It was 17:30 when it was sent and one of his best friends answered just a few seconds later;

(Kaz) Ye wasap?

Didar (or Kaz) answered first, he always answers so quickly meanwhile Gregory, or Greg as we call him, takes sometimes hours to answer.

(Me) I just realised that it's friday!

Fridays mean weekend, and weekend means fun time!

(Kaz) And?


And since it is boring to go to the bar in town

How about we get some booze and just hang around in the old abandoned house!

(Kaz) Are you stupid?

The police might come!

And it could be dangerous!

(Me) Oh come on, dont be such a scary cat

Nothing will happen, no one has been there for years, so why would the police come?

(Kaz) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fine, damn it

(Grey) What are ya talking about?

(Me) Greg!!!!

Were gonna go get drunk at the old abandoned building, ya coming?

(Grey) Sure

(Me) I'm getting the boze, we take Kaz's car and Greg...

Bring the UNO

Didar was driving on the road towards Gregory's apartment complex, enjoying the 80s music playing on the radio. Then he spotted Gregory standing on the side of the road, Didar pulled over to the side of the road and Gregory quickly hopped into the car. They greeted each other and Didar started driving towards Yuko's apartment and turned up the radio. Gregory didn't seem to like it, however, he didn't want to judge Didars music preference. Gregory was a little surprised with how smooth the car ride was, he was used to going on the bus and had forgotten what it felt like to be in a car. Then after a couple of minutes of driving, he saw Yuko outside of her apartment, her long hair was blowing in the wind and she looked a little bit cold. When she got into the car they started chatting and having a good time. Didar started to drive and everyone was laughing and having a good time. It looked like a fun group of friends to hang out with. Didar drove into the thick forest and he could see the beautiful sunset in the distance. The road started to get bumpy, with everyone bouncing around. The road suddenly stopped so they were forced to get there by foot.

Having their feet aching from the hike, the team that consists of Didar, Gregory, and Yuko went on their way to the abandoned building. Along with the pain that was present in their feet, whisky was brought, along with some music and confidence. It was only until they were some 10 feet away from the entrance that they actually took a big and detailed look at the deteriorated house.

With feelings of slight fear from the looks, but also some excitement from the thought of drinking booze in a spooky building in the middle of some forest, the friends entered the supposedly "haunted house", something only Yuko knew about. Booze in hand, they walked around the house to explore what was before the lovely home of someone with a good paying job. The house was now probably the most unwelcoming to arrive at. With two stories as well as an attic, there was a lot to look at, with many of the walls on the lower floor being covered in graffiti. Not many things were left from the previous owners although there were still some belongings left here and there, many being broken furniture and things that couldn't get any less interesting.

On the second floor, the friends found an empty room to do what they had in mind, do stupid things and have fun with some alcohol in their bloodstream. And so Gregory takes out his UNO deck, stored in his pocket and takes out the cards to then shuffle them. Surprisingly, the one who brought the UNO play deck would also be the one who were the worst at shuffling cards, funnily enough.

Just moments later, you get to realise how easily irritated a half-drunk person can get playing card games, with all three getting pissed off because things were not going as they should according to them.

"Oh my god! Why is nothing working for fuck sakes!" Didar said with anger, "Why am I always picking up a million cards!" he elaborated,

"Oh shush you, you are just ass at the game bro" Yuko answered.

They were having a great time nonetheless, with some rage in between moments.

After some 4 to 5 rounds of UNO, Gregory stands up for a break, what he notices however would later strike panic in everyone. Outside, while Gregory looked out the window, some 70 or 80 metres away, he spotted a police officer. The police had just driven in, and was opening the door at the time that Gregory saw them. In a panic, Gregory tells the others to be quiet, and tells them that the police had arrived. And so the friends panic, they have to act fast so that they don't get caught.

"I think there is a backdoor" Yuko whispered,

"Let's take it then! We are going to get caught if we don't run, now!" Didar answered.

And so they ran. Going full speed although trying not to make much noise at the same time, with the booze that they have brought, they run full speed out the backdoor.

"Hey! Freeze!" the police officer yelled, he was mere 20 metres away from the front door and saw the friends through one of the windows.

One thought ran through all of their minds: 'Oh Shit'

"Run fuckers RUN!" Yuko shouted as she took off towards the kitchen, where she thinks there's a backdoor. Yuko arrived in the kitchen first and the others almost ran into her when she suddenly stopped in front of the door.

"Why did you stop bitch?!" Didar hissed,

"The door is fucking stuck, bitch!" Yuko hissed back as she desperately tried to open the door.

"Gregory get yo ass here and kick down this god forsaken door" Didar commanded as he quickly pulled Yuko out of the way.

"Kay" was all Gregory said before he gave the door a powerful kick, breaking if of its rusty hinges.

"Okay, lets fucking go before we get arrested!" screeched Yuko as she flew through the now open door.

The three friends ran as quickly as they could towards the tree line. They could hear the cop rushing through the house as they took off but they didn't look back, just keept on running. They ran and ran through the wood, sliping once or twice before they got to the road where they parked the car. They found the car after just a few minutes of following said road and quickly got in and took off, finally taking a much needed break.

Mid-ride Gregory got quiet and thought for a moment before loudly cried out in desperation:

"Fuck, I forgot the UNO!".

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