A Powerful Warrior

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Alice at 32 years old after returning from the wake of her beloved grandmother with her mother Lucille and her father Gino began to talk with her parents about her grandmother.

-"Grandma was a very sweet person, and very strong" commented Gino wistfully

-"Mom, is it true that all the women in our family have a lot of strength?"

-"Alice... well, I'm strong, your grandmother was much stronger, in your case you were born delicate, but at the age of 21 all your strength and size sprouted, and I'm sure your great-grandmother was very strong"

-"A long time ago my grandmother told me that we had a very strong ancestor, a very strong woman, she even told me that you did a homework telling her story"

-"Alice... the story is old, the truth is I don't believe anything in that legend, it has impossible things" said Lucille after sighing

-"Mom, if this story has passed through generations, it is fair that you tell me"

-"Well, when I did my homework on the myth of our family I had to remove many things to make it more credible, I did not want to be a joke at school, I think I have the notebook with the complete story"

-"I want the complete story mom, so I can read it with peace of mind"

-"Well if you insist Alice, I'll give you the notebook"

Lucille searched her trunk for a notebook which she handed to Alice to read.

After returning home Alice began to read the notebook with the history of her ancestor, the letters were somewhat stained by time.

-"I'll have to make a copy of the notebook, I don't want the story to be lost" said Alice worried while checking the notebook


gertrude the warrior

The story begins with Wade, an ordinary farmer who had sold several chickens in town and was going to pick up his cart, but he got distracted and did not notice that another cart pulled by 4 horses carrying the king's tribute had lost control and it was heading towards him, when he turned his eyes he realized that he could not escape in time, he thought that his life was going to end, but at that moment a shadow covered him completely.

Wade looking at the shadow realized something, a huge butt and very thick but strong legs were in front of him, they were the legs of a woman, and the most surprising thing was that she had been able to stop the horses that were runaway.

Wade was going to thank the warrior but she simply left the place to be congratulated by the lord of those lands who was very scared because if the tributes did not reach the king, they would suffer serious reprisals from him

The warrior was twelve feet tall, her name was Gertrude, a woman of tremendous strength, great size, weight, and a voracious appetite.

-"Gertrude!!!! Thank you very much!!! You saved me!!!!" said the lord who was impressed by the strength of the warrior

-"Well, pay me, I don't do this for free" said Gertrude who without knowing she was being watched by Wade

-"Fine, I will pay what was agreed, but I would like to give a banquet in your honor" said the lord who was very interested in Gertrude

-"A banquet? Well, see you tonight" Gertrude said without showing interest

Wade began to follow Gertrude, he was curious to know more about his savior of which he felt infatuated by her size, he saw that Gertrude was approached by a tall and very strong warrior of two meters, Gertrude made a gesture of accept and went with him to the forest, Wade felt embarrassed, apparently Gertrude had an interest in another person, but he still decided to follow them, as he got closer to the forest he heard screams of horrible pain, he decided to hide in some bushes and noticed that Gertrude was walking away from the forest with a look of disappointment amid the screams that were occupying the forest.

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