Chapter 1

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As I wake up my mom & dad call me down for breakfast. I say back "just a minute" as I get my school clothes on & head down the Stairs I could smell the delicous eggs & Bacon. When I get to the table as I finish up eating. I get my back pack on I give my mom & dad a big hug and kiss and say good bye and go out the door. When I  got back home from school I ran into my room to do my homework.
As Im finishing my homework my mom calls me down for dinner I go down stairs and I eat my dinner after im done I go up to my room & get ready for bed my dad comes up and helps me. After I go to bed. The next day me and my dad decided to take a trip at a father son camp. So we get ready to go. As we are leaving we se a deer run across the road it wasn't just a normal deer it had only three legs. After that weird moment we continued on are trip.

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