The Wannabe Doctor

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I think everyone remembers their first crush. For me that was in grade 4, and although I never gained the courage to even talk to him I still think of those what if scenarios.

Raj on the other hand was whole other story. I still remember the first time I saw him. The flowing black hair, bold brown eyes that would capture anyones attention, and not to mention his dashing smile that emerged every-time you made him laugh.

The interesting part here is that when I met Raj at 17, I truly believed I would never date an Indian guy, let alone Raj, who I knew as someone whose parents were community friends with mine. But when I met him it was as if all my reservations and filters I placed on who I dated were tossed out.

At 17 we met once and that was that. Applying to colleges kept me so busy I didn't even have to time to think of men, but interestingly enough when I got to college all that my friends talked about were boys. The choice to join Tinder was 100% my call; however I never expected to find Raj on there. When I saw his profile the cage I made for my phone with my fingers broke, plummeting it into the ground but miraculously
leaving Raj's profile in tact with a photo showcasing his charming smile. There was blue all around the borders and a star - a super like I thought.

This was the moment I felt everything was beginning to change. And it definitely did. Raj is my first love, but like crushes their hard to forget, even when they hurt. If only I knew how many times our paths would collide and the truth behind the penultimate "super like" before I agreed to go on that first date.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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