How it all started.

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My hands quivered as I watched the tip of the knife oozing a red velvet coloured liquid onto my leather boots. The deed was complete, but somehow my heart felt remorseful.

I slide down the cold concrete wall and press my forehead onto my knees. My back was hunched and tears streamed down my face. I could feel my tears percolate through my jeans as i weeped silently.

Regret.. It was a peculiar feeling, at one point I even tried to bring myself to stay tranquil. I couldn't move on, it was practically impossible.

I watched the life drain from her eyes and drip away in jagged strands leaking from her skeletal cheeks, that once blushed red when she saw me.

It was as though the lifeline of a ruby had shattered and melted.

I get up and grab the now lifeless body by its ankles, i take a whiff on the pungent smell of death and start dragging the corpse up the stairs which were positioned behind me, a slimy red trail of blood following us.

She shouldn't of followed me. If she didn't follow me and witness what i did with that.. that man, she wouldn't be dead right now. i expect she'd be playing spin the bottle with her dorm mates, safe and happy in her dorm room.

"I have to do this." I persuade myself with a uncertain tone in my voice. I get to the top of the stairs and catch my broken breath, laying the body on the floor, I pull the pocket knife from my thigh holster and press the cold blade again the victims forehead. As the blade pleasantly pierces her skin, i write 'XOXO' into the piece of flesh on her head.

I place her, leant again the closest wall, and put the blade into her hand, I observe the messy state of the body for a second, towering over it. I slide the gloves off my hands and shove them into my left pocket, taking one more glace at the body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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