im all yours

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chloe im not going in there' rae stood staring at the pub doors

'rae come on just ignore her yeah?'

'please chlo, i just can't do this you wanna know the truth,cant believe im telling her this! right well i just couldn't get naked in front of him have you seen him compared to me jesus i was so scared, i just couldn't do it anymore, please don't make me do this'. she said looking down at her hands, itching the skin till it turned red.

'rae you can do this i no you can please just do this one thing for me, yeah?'chloe stood walking to to rae and standing in front of her. 'please i know you can, ya know what, you need to get over your fears or they will stop you from living your life i no your still ill rae but your getting better i can you are and im gunna help get you back with your man, he loves you rae and you know he does everyone knows', chloe said whilst taking rae's hand in hers 'please' chloe begged.

'okay but im not staying ages chlo, and i will try i promise' chloe smiled at her best friend and they started walking to the pub doors arms hooked together.

they sat down at there usual table, chop came barging other with pints and shots, 'afternoons ladies' chop said with a big goofy grin.

why is he always so fucking happy?

the was a few hey's and hi's.

i can't do this its just to fucking strange seeing her sat with him in front of me kissing and hugging arghh! i just wanna run away and hide but i cant i promised chloe id stay i need to stop making promises! fucksake

they continued to drink for the afternoon pint after pint with a few shots mixed in, rae and chloe were getting really fucking bored by lent over to rae and whispered 'im gunna have a pool party, drinks and stuff you up for it' chloe asked, rae nodded at her.

chloe stood up and shouted 'shut up' everyone looked up at her waiting for her to continue.

'right me and rae have been thinking and well ive got an empty so how about a small pool party at mine tonight you guys up for it?'

chop piped up saying 'chloe my lass your a girl after my own heart' he jumped up and grabbed chloe spinning them around.oh fuck is chloe turning green? i think chloe's gunna be sick!shit

olivia piped up saying to finn ' i can't little bug got work in the morning ill see ya later' she lent in and started kissing him.

think im gunna be sick right fuck this! she's trying to make me jealous what a bitch.

rae stood and said 'come on then lets go, im still fucking sober ya know! everyone stood up laughing making there way out the doors.

'chlo' rae said getting in the car, 'do you think chops got any spliffs'

chloe jumped out as they turned into her drive and got chop by the collar pulling him over to them, 'rae wants to know if ya got any spliffs?'

'no baby girl but finn will have some ill ask him yeah?'

'thanks choppy chop' rae said smiling at him

they made there way to the pool getting drinks and towels as they went.

the girls were lounging next to the pool, chatting and drinking.

the boys at the other side rolling the spliffs, they could she the girls laughing and looking over to them then turning away.

'finny boy your the best roller i fucking know mate'

finn looked up and nodded

'do you think i should let them have one each?'

im all yoursWhere stories live. Discover now