truth or dare

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Rae walked into the pub glancing at at their usual table, only chop had arrived. 'RAEMUNDO!' chop shouted as she was walking up to their table, 'party at mine tonight you better be there!' he said with that stupid shit eating grin.

fucking hell chop..

how does his mouth not hurt from smiling like that..

'i dunno not really in the party mood chop, do i have to?' she said sitting down and staring into her hands.

okay more piening for Finn, he's just so dreamy..

'your coming to my party! you have to please, please, pleaseee?' chop said

fuck sake..

'fine! ill be there but you gotta buy me a few drinks first'.

gonna bloody need them..

'yes! baby girl, snakebite?' chop said he offered standing up looking to Rae, as she nodded yes.

Rae was stood by the jukebox, snakebite in hand and wonderwall playing softly, as she noticed Archie walking towards her.

'hey!' archie said pecking her on the cheek.

'so how was the other night at Finn's anything good happen?' Archie asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

'no!, we just hung out really, listened to some tunes and that was it' she said looking down.

'i don't understand that lad sometimes, he writes that on your back and now nothing, i know what's happened Rae'

'what, what's happened?'

'you friend zoned each other!' Archie said looking quite happy with his conclusion.

'just leave it arch, you coming to chop's party tonight?'

'yeah why not, look lets just get pissed and figure this out tomorrow, think its actually hurting my brain' he said before dragging Rae back to the table where everyone had now arrived.

'so gang hows about a sexy party tonight at mine and er Raemundo you can do tunes yeah?'

'yeah cool' Rae said beaming a huge smile at chop.

'ey why she doing em' Finn said pointing at Rae, 'I know more about music then her chop!'.

'do ya fuck!, stop lying to yourself just admit I know a lot more then you!' Rae shouted slightly to loud at Finn with a playful smile and a punch to his arm.

'oi that hurt!' Finn said stroking his arm.

'your such a whimp'.

'shut it you two all you do is flirt all the bloody time!' Chloe pipped up.


'whatever Chlo' Rae said whilst blushing slightly, she had to admit he was touching her more, writing on her thigh's and grabbing her arm occasionally, oh and that look in his eye the other day, they were lied down on his bed listening to tunes next to each other and face to face, he looked straight in her eyes like he wanted to kiss her or something but he broke eye contact and that was it.

'whatever man, do what ya want it's only music ' chop said to both Finn and Rae.

Rae frowned looking to see Finn smiling at her.

smug git! but just look at that face..

the party had settled down by now, just more than a handful of people sitting around the place, bodies scattered around the lounge laughing and joking with each other, 'guys how about we play truth or dare?' chloe said winking at rae.

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