Forever, be my Valentine ?

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You pulled up to Rocs' house as quickly as possible. After the voicemail he left you, it seemed pretty urgent. Because yall had been such good friends, there was no need to ring the doorbell. You walked right into his home. 

As soon as the door opened , you noticed a sea of fluffy red. Upon closer inspection, you realize its hundreds, maybe thousands, of rose petals covered over the chesnut wood floor. "Something is up," you said softly to yourself. Maybe the voicemail wasn't for me? Nahh that couldn't be it. He clearly " (Y/N) get to my house ASAP. . .I have a surprise your going to like." You were totally oblivious to the soft music playing in the background, and how your only source of light came from candles up on the wall.

Then you heard it.

"Aheemmm. ." 

You look up to where the sound had came from. There was your best friend for about 3 years, Chresanto "Roc" August, in a nice,crisp white polo, black jeans , and red cement Jordans 4's. 

"What's all this, Roc?"

He looked up with a sort of sinful tinge to his eyes. You've always known how attractive Roc was but always wanted to keep it strictly in a friend zone.

"Its for you (Y/N)"

"But. . .why? I'm not understanding. ." you trailed off, mashing your eyebrows together.

Roc sighs heavily and crosses the floor towards you, a flurry of roses being kicked up and landing softly back down. He stops infront of you and holds your face in his hands. He looks at you like a blind man finally being able to see for the first time.

"(Y/N), are you honestly saying that you never saw me being attracted to you? After everything we've been through, all the times you've been there for me through ups and downs, heaven and hell, cloud nine and ground zero, you never saw all the subtle hints that I wanted something more.?. . "

You didn't know how to react. You did notice him flirting quite a bit, but he was the school flirt. Of course, he was going to flirt with you ! You just brushed it off as his personality. . .but was it really? Your feelings for him were already buried. As far as you were concered, a school flirt = a player = cheating = NO BUENO.

You looked up into his big chocolate eyes suddenly falling for him. Wow, his eyes are the lovliest shade of brown, you think, framed in long, thick lashes like palm tree leaves.His eyes seemed to be   a mix between fudge and caramel, like a Twix. Your eyes drop down to his lips. You've never noticed how pink and thick they were.They looked absolutely refreshing,like an oasis after a dry spell.  They reminded you of pomegrantes, your favourite fruit.

"(Y/N) . . Will you be my Valentine?"

You were caught off guard a bit. YOU DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE IT WAS VALENTINES DAY. But it didn't matter. Here you had a guy who had seen your best and worse, knows everything and more about you, can read you like a book , who wants to be your Valentine.

"Of course, Roc"

And with that, his lips came crashing onto yours, molding into yours , like they were born for you.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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