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"What about you, Connor? Whose side are you on?"

The words spilled from Kamski's mouth easily, spoken like a prepared speech.

Connor understood that each choice listed in its vision would elicit a different response, and it was clear which would sound the most rational.

Hesitating, Connor shifted its program to choose another, expression turning impatient.

"It's not about me, Mr. Kamski," it said defensively. To measure out its statement, it added, "All I want is to solve this case."

Kamski just raised his eyebrows and shrugged, indifferent to the android's response and treating everything it just said as meaningless.

"Well, that's what you're programmed to say...," he nodded. He fixed Connor with a stern look, challenging. "But you."

To Connor's right, Hank didn't move, but watched the situation with apt attention and concern. It was a sight to behold, Kamski stepping towards Connor and peering up at it, inches away.

"...What do you really want?"


Connor's program chose a response without gauging its predetermined effect, squinting its eyes in further irritation.

"What I want is...not important," it said. Again, Kamski didn't bother to listen to Connor's constructed sentences, instead nodding towards one of his own androids.

"Chloe?" he called for the blonde machine, its route direct as Kamski stepped away from Connor. "I'm sure you're aware of the Turing test. Mere formality," he turned Chloe to face Connor, "simple question of algorithms and computing capacity." With Chloe in the desired position, he rounded it and waved his hands in the air. He spoke as if he were conducting another one of his famous speeches, explaining the inner workings of his creation, "What interests me, is whether or not machines are capable of empathy." The implicit, almost mischievous nod he gave to Hank set something off in Connor's system.


"I call it the Kamski test... It's very simple, you'll see." For a moment, Kamski turned to face Chloe, regarding its features. "Magnificient, isn't it? One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife." He reached for its chin, turning its head to face him. "Young, and beautiful forever. A flower that will never wither..." For a moment, Connor couldn't help but feel its eye twitch, the way Kamski was looking at Chloe. As if it were a real person, as if it were alive.


And then, all too quickly, Kamski dropped his arm and turned, fixing both Connor and Hank with a gaze of disregard.

"But what is it really?" he asked with a shrug. "Piece of plastic imitating a human?" Kamski turned towards the side table behind him, sliding open the drawer as he spoke, "Or a living being...with a soul."

Connor's LED flashed yellow as Kamski turned back, his right hand holding a gun by the barrel and his other hand raised, showing that he had no intention of attacking. Connor blinked a few times, processing, as Kamski reached and put his hand on Chloe's shoulder, easing it into a kneel without having to say a word.

Connor analysed his motions, the ease with which he carried them out.

He's done this before.

The gun adjusted in Kamski's hands as he approached Connor, standing to its side and sliding the handle into its grip.

"It's up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor." He raised Connor's hand, pointing the barrel at Chloe's head. "Destroy this machine, and I'll tell you all I know." After a moment, he stepped away, leaving Connor to decide whether or not to keep the gun raised. It stayed stagnant. "Or spare it, if you feel it's alive. But you'll leave here without having learnt anything from me."

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