The Beginning

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It started when a whale was causing havoc among ships coming through the Atlantic ocean.

A man called John Strander was listening to the radio and hearing much about this whale.

John: What is wrong with this old whale???

It was 1717 when this whale started started being heard.

John: Who had put rabies into this kind of whale?


Someone had reported that 121 people was on board the ship and 500K worth of cargo was lost... when coming through the Atlantic, Stay safe.


John: (gets up from his chair) *sigh*

John Strander was a sailor for missions like saving people on sea, or missions to spy on a country (like the FBI on sea in the 16th century).

John: I need a break from this. 

Someone comes over.

Messenger: For John Strander.

John: In heavens name! You gotta stop sneaking up my back.

Messenger: Sorry, sir. Here's your letter, sir. *leaves*

John opens the letter.

Dear John, 


Signed, Your Boss.

John: Dang! That's a verrry short letter... for a big paper. I'll get on it.

John went to his old building that he worked at. A workman was at the door.

John: I don't remember you-

Workman: Sorry, if you were working as a sailor in the last company. Well here's where they moved. *gives address*

John: Huh, they moved a little farther away... 

John on and kept going and finally arrived.

John: Oi, Kenny!

Gonting Kenny was the doorman in both the old building and the new. John could recognize him.

Kenny: John! How is it goin on, in your break?

John: Look's like it just ended early today.

Kenny: Major crisis today, John.

John: Cause, of the whale, eh?

Kenny: Oh, It is the whale that started it... the boss needs you.

Kenny opened the door for John.

John went to his boss's office.

John's Boss: Good to see ya, John!

John: What is it?

John's Boss: I literally need you to in this team saving the people and sailors on this wrecked ship. You're the best one here, and need you for this big mission.

John: Kay, I'll get ready.

John's Boss: Make it quick, John you don't have enough time.

John leaves his boss's office to get ready.

John gets to the deck and goes on with his team.

John's Boss: Here's your team. 

There 7 other members other than John here.

John's Boss: Okay team, John here is the best sailor here and I'm making him captain.

All members: Yes, Sir!

John's Boss: Everyone on that wrecked ship is counting on all of you.

John: Kay, Boss. 

John's Boss: You'll be boarding the ship called "Billy O' Tea"

John: Weird, Boss.

John's Boss: The Builders were drunk after building it they called it that.

John: Funny... (turns to his crew) Okay men! Let's go to work!

The crew: Yes Sir!

They all boarded to the boat.

They sailed away...

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