1. The 3 nations

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In 1936, the 3 nations of, Flopvania, Kindom of Skinny, Cardiflopia were the most popular tourist locations in the world. Faggots around the world used to cvm to Kingdom of Skinny for the sexy souvenirs products, Flopvania to see the the wonderful monuments of Jayedith the 69th, and meet Doojau The Kittith. Cardiflopia was the least popular, because it had Cardilious B's flop products all over town. Nickileena Minager ruled Flopvania and was allies with Kingdom of Skinny, Ruled by Jiafei Productus. One summer of 1936, Cardilious B saw that Cardiflopia was flopping even harder than before, she hasnt flopped this hard since Flopvania was built. She got very angry, and whilst being disguised, went to Kingdom of Skinny to steal some sexy products. She was in her flop era so she was caught very fast by Jiafeis security, Patrisha Payedass. She was sent back to her flop country and started to plan a war with her assistant Cheryleena Skeleton. She thought that this war would be easy, and she would have all thoes products to her self! She started planning. Her troops started training for the Skinniest war of the century. Doojau's assistant overheard this by casually walking near Cardilious's Sex dungeoun, and quickly ran back to Doojau.

Part 2 cvming very soon my sexy flops 😍😍😍

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