Chapter 1:All for the Best, All for the Worst

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"No! I don't want to change school, please mom!Dad! Please don't do this, I don't want to go to a new school!"

"You have to Alexandre, we have no choice, I mean the school does not teach you well and I am always fed up with their management and it's turning into a more of know a Chinese school"

"What do u mean, Chinese! my friends li-like Sammy, Ariel and many more are not Chinese!"

"Alexandre, stop these complaints at once! I will not hear another word from you! You are going to change school and you have no say in this matter! Go into your room! Study and don't come out until you've finished up everything or ill keep away your Nintendo Ds for the whole damn month!"

"Dad, please don't do this, please!"

"I said GO!"

"Honey, you don't have to shout at him like that, he will come to understand but no need to shout at him."

"I'll shout to him if I want to, I'm his father goddamn it! I said GO! I won't say again!"

Alexandre, with tears coming down like waterfalls, stormed out of the living room and went to his room with his school bag in his hand, he slammed the door, dropped his bag and went straight to the bathroom where he usually unleashes his sadness in silence so that no one would hear and ask him if he was fine. He wanted to be alone, he wanted to be the only person on this dreadful world!

Silence appeared out of nowhere beside him, hugging it's own leg like Alexandre on the uncomfortable marble tiles.... whenever he was in sadness ,Alexandre would cry and cry and snuggle towards it and would embrace it as if it was his own.

"I fucking hate this damn family! They would never listen to me! They never do anything for me!

-Nah, don't worry about them, I am really sure that you'll be fine, don't make it budge you Al, I know you can do it-

It would always call him Al, and would comfort him with the utmost optimism, it would utter words that Alexandre would only want to hear, words that only Alexandre would hear because of course....he willed it to and Silence bows to now one but Alexandre.

"But, I will not have friends anymore, what I'm gonna do, what will become of me there, it's really stressing me out because I don't want to leave my bestie Sammy behind!"

-Well, your mother promised you she will let you use a messaging app.. umm what is it called....oh, WeChat right?-

"Yeh, but I-I....ugh, I don't know what to do anymore! It's so fucking stressful!"

-Well, as your best-best-BEST friend, can I give you a suggestion?-

"Yeh sure, what's your suggestion, best-best-BEST friend?"

-I think you should give it a try you know ,perhaps there might not be bullies there and you would not get hurt ever again AND there might be pretty girls know what I mean ?!!!HEHE!-

*Alexandre thinking*

"I think your right.. I should give it a chance, I may lose a best friend for a while but not forever and just so you know, you didn't get my attention because of the pretty girl part, plus I look like a nerd and a weirdo combined."

-But to me you look just like me, awesome, unbelievably dashing and spectacular, c'mon I know you can do it! Another page is always the best part of a book-

"No, it's not you dumbass, *laugh*, well... I think I would want some change once in my life, plus if I wanna to travel all around the world, I guess it is a first step right?"

-Totally, dude totally. Oh I nearly forgot, I have a meetup with a friend of mines.All right I'm out mate, i'll see you in your dreams and don't forget to tell me what kind of dream u want to be in, ill try my best to conjure it! All right, peace out!-

"Bye, thanks for the advices, really mean it." *smile*

Silence saluted him like a faithful soldier and disappeared slowly. It never came to Alexandre's attention that he never actually remembered neither it's face nor it's voice, whether or not it was young or old, male or female, good or evil. it was impossible to know how it actually looked like, probably eye-dropping visage unlike his.

It was the year 2017 when he changed to another school, much cheaper but better educational system. Alexandre had said his goodbyes to his best friend Sammy, his classmates and the teachers. It was the year his life was about to change almost completely and where everything will manifest...into either a murky desolation.... or a craving utopia.

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