Two Princesses- Epilouge

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I hold my little brother's hand as we skip down the hallway. He insisted that skipping is much better than normal walking, and because his sixth birthday was a week ago, I have to listen to him. I don't get his reasoning, I never do, but I agreed anyways.

"Clove," I stop us at the end of the hall. "How about you go play with Phillip? Hm?"

"Can't I go with you?" He blinks his big brown eyes and smiles shyly. This works on dad, but not me.

"No." I squeeze his hand and let go. "But it's so boring, I doubt you'd even like it."

He frowns but eventually gets distracted by a noise down the hall. "Let's play later!" He tells me, running after the noise.

I brush of my dress and walk to the doors. Behind them will be a room of ambassadors, dukes and duchesses, advisors and of course- my parents.
I open the doors and walk in. Everyone in there pauses to bow to me half-way. Most in here don't care much anymore. I call this the "Big Room", for a reason. It's a large ballroom converted into a study for my father. I sit in my throne on the left side of the room. There's a small one next to me for clove. Across from my throne are my parent's: King Casper and Queen Madrid.

Everyone finds their seats at the long table between the thrones. I look across the room to my parents. They sit regally on their thrones, waiting to hear the needs of their country. The first topic of discussion today is a forest fire on the south of Monaco. It's been contained and diffused- but a residential neighborhood had to evacuate. We're putting in plans to restore the neighborhood.

I sink in my seat after a while. These meetings tend to be very boring- and nobody really needs my help.

"Cleo?" I hear my father ask.

I open my eyes. I guess I closed them for a beat too long. I don't move from my slumped and very "unladylike" position.
"Yes, Father?" I answer.

He looks to my mother, before responding; "the next topic concerns you."

"It does?"

This time, prime minister Allan Pritchett pipes up. "Uh, your highness." He stands and bows. "As you know, Queen Asmeria is making trouble at the border."

"As always," I roll my eyes. "Proceed."

He scratches his hands. "Well, we have devised a plan to respond to them, but not in the way they think. We also need to address our nation. The people are angry."

I sit up. "Angry?"

"Yes. And anxious. We need to make ties with Condor, along with a couple other nations." He continues.

I cross my legs. "And how, again, does it concern me?"

"Uh," the Prime Minister looks to my parents. "Well."

"Let me," my Father sighs. He looks at me. "Cleo, we want you to.. host some guests for the next couple month. There are some young princes- one from Condor, too- and we want them to stay here."

Ew. Why would I want boys to stay in my nice castle? "Why?"

"We would like you to find a husband in one of them."

Oh heck to the freaking no.

"A husband." I say cooly, testing the word.

"Cleo." My mother speaks up. "It's a good idea. You don't have to get married now, but at least give these nice boys a chance."

"And-" the Prime Minister pipes in- "the countries uniting!"

Someone quickly enters. "What'd I miss?"
Oh thank god.
My uncle Cory walks in. He's probably The coolest person I know- I both am wildly amazed and also want to know if he's okay on the inside. He's the only advisor on the board who has tattoos, or a motorcycle, and doesn't wear suits- and he helps me indulge in my pastime of jousting and other lethal activities.

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