Before the First Day of school

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(Covering her mouth while going to her mom to eat) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" As Krysha screamed near her mom''its already the first day of school. And I'm gonna be the worst of them all again mom. Like spilling my Drink to the richest person in our classroom. And sliding at the Gym while Gym class." As she said to her mom. " Dear your not the worst." As mom told Krysha. "But I am!.................Maybe?"
As Krysha answered back. "You will just realize it that your not the worst in your school tomorrow" Mom told Krysha. " okay mom" she replied.

At 8:00 am

"I should play with my friends outside before being............. maybe the worst." She talked to herself.

( looking outside)


"Uhhh............ my friends are not there again" she talked to herself sadly. :( . Maybe Crystal is awake . noo!!! She is sleeping. Maybe i will just read my school books to study my lessons.

11:30 am


"Krysha!!!! Come down we need to prepare our lunch" I shouted to her


" okay mom just a minute!"
I answered " Krysha!!!!!!!!!!!!your not following me do you want your baby brother in my tummy to....." " okay okay mom don't continue the word" I answered back." What were you doing at your room " " just reading books" "okay" she said " where's dad? " I asked he got to go first cause he has a meeting oh Crystal your awake" mom said " Good Morning Crystal" I told Crystal

After eating lunch


"I should get some sleep now. Wait! Before that, I will finish reading my book then arange my things" she said.

(After arranging things and reading the book)


"Good Night!!!!!!!!"

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