Happy Club

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Binita and Reema both were best friends who were also eventually neighbors of each other. They studied in the same school. But as it was the time of college, they parted their ways. Time passed and Binita opted for fashion design and became a successful designer within a short time. Reema is a math professor in a reputed college. Reema stays in Bhopal while Binita is in Mumbai. One day Reema was going to Belapur to attend a seminar. Unfortunately, while she was in the middle of the road, her phone rang and it was a call from her home which shakes her to the core when she comes to know that her mother was no more. She was very close to her mom. Leelawati Sharma (Reema's mother) was a simple stay-at-home parent who was very calm and had lots of patience by nature. She was a sewer she knew to stitch everything during those times, also where there was no facility of technology. Binita used to get inspired by her aunt when she used to visit Reema's house when they were small children and wanted to become a fashion designer by learning Leelawati's techniques from her which she used to teach Binita wholeheartedly because for Leelawati both the girls are her children. However, Reema was never interested in this profession. She used to study in the corner when Leelawati teaches Binita sewing and the other time both the best friends play with each other. When the news came of her demise, both the girls were devastated hearing the news. Both the girls rush to Kanpur. After the funeral, it was nighttime. The weather was chilly outside because it was the month of December. Reema was sitting in the bedroom staring at the old pictures of her mother and crying continuously when suddenly her eyes fell on the cupboard which was beside the bed. She got up and opened the cupboard and became emotional remembering her mother again. When Binita and Reema were kids Leelawati used to sew the clothes of both the kids herself as she treated both of them equally so whenever she made something for her own daughter she also prepared another same thing for Binita as well. Suddenly Binita enters when Reema was remembering her mother by looking at those clothes of her sewed by Leelawati during her childhood which were outgrown now as both Binita and Reema are grown up. Binita stood beside Reema and put on her shoulder and she too started to cry. After a few hours, they controlled their emotions and became silent. Reema asks Binita:

Reema: Mom has made all these for me now what should I do with these clothes?

Binita: Just distribute them to the nearby NGOs and orphanages.

Reema: But how will I give these clothes which are so close to my heart and the last piece of stuff which will remind me of her?

Binita: Even I lost my only inspiration who made me stand in the place where I'm today! Without Leela Masi,  it wasn't possible.

Reema: Ok! Thank you,  Rem and I love you. You are my only bestie.

Binita: Same here and I love You too!

Both the girls went to their respective workplaces after completing all the rituals together. In Bhopal,  Reema starts to search for NGOs and orphanages but no one is ready to take those clothes. So one day she called Binita and confront her about it. Binita rushes to Reema despite her busy schedule to help her only best friend. Both the girl together open an orphanage of their own in Bhopal and start to distribute the boxes of Reema's outgrown clothes. Soon their orphanage becomes large and they also take outgrown others as well. Binita also gave away her outgrown clothes which were made by her beloved Masi. Today this orphanage has become very famous. It is run by Reema and Binita funds there from Mumbai and sometimes comes to their orphanage. They name the orphanage "HAAPY CLUB " And lots of children stay there and complete their studies. Reema also provides them with co-curricular activities and also teaches other activities, like sewing, cooking,  etc. They also keep old people who willingly come out of their homes unable to bear the pain their children provide them. The old people stay here as their own home and treat the children as their own grandchildren and they take part in all these skills by teaching the children activities each old one knows. Many children grow up in this orphanage and become good citizens. And marry and live happily with their wives or husbands and children. After the demise of Reema and Binita,  their children run this orphanage. Both,  the girl never leave their friendship and so their children continue one-day Binita's son name was Veenit marries Reema's daughter Siya and turned their friendship to the next level,  and continues to run the orphanage. Apart from it,  Veenit is a software engineer and Siya is a teacher just like her mother. And everything continues with each generation. Today though Reema and Binita are no more in this world their orphanage has become the world's most famous orphanage. Many interviews are taken. Many old people were the once children of that same orphanage also. Even today the outgrown clothes are distributed and all the children wear all those clothes happily even in today's world where technology has its peak. Though the children know how to run computers and the internet, they cope with the modern world and connect with the global world. Many orphanage children from this orphanage are sitting in a reputed positions in each department of society. There are also websites to register to stay in this orphanage for old people for free. Many children also open blocks for this orphanage where they share their experiences and published so that the other children can also come to that "HAPPY CLUB". There is a big picture in front of the gate "HAPPY CLUB".

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