Chapter 1

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He stared daggers into the wooden button that lay on the jagged cobblestone walls.

The button that hold so much power more then one can imagine. Yea others knew what it can do but only Wilbur knows the true strength and ability behind it. Behind all the red stone and TNT.

All Wilbur really wanted was control and power but that was taken away from him and if he can't have that no one can. He had no remorse or regret for what he was about to do all he knew and understood was that this had to be done.

He looked at the signs on the walls, the walls that surrounded him and caged him in his true feelings. He looked over the black carved letters on the signs that held the National anthem of his L'Manburg he closed his eyes and sang quietly to him self,

I heard there was a special place,
where men could go and emancipate
the brutality and tyranny of their rulers.
Well this place is real we needn't fret,
with Wilber, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret.
A very big and ...not blown up L'manberg,

My L'manberg,
My L'manberg,
My L'manberg,
My L'manberg.

He took a deep breath and thought over why he was doing this.

"The thing that I built this nation for doesn't exist anymore."

"T-the thing that I worked towards doesn't exist anymore... it's over" he yelled to himself or so he thought.

He reached over and placed his hand on the raged peace of wood and stared his count down from 5.


"What are you doing" an all so familiar voice whispered behind him. One he knew all to well.

"Phil" he whispered so quietly he didn't even know if he said it in the first place.

Phil repeated again " what are you doing"

Wilbur turned now face to face with Phil. Phil stared into his dark brown eyes to be meant with nothing, no emotion. He looked worn out and tired, his face was pale his once neatly kept hair now tangled and unkept.

If people really paid attention to Will they could have seen that he was falling apart, losing himself. But know one cared enough for him, maybe Tommy but what did Will expect from him he was just a kid. He had a life to live, he shouldn't have to look after Will, he was supposed to look up to him but he had Techno for that Tommy didn't need him.

Wilbur was at him lowest point, like he had nothing to live for and for Phil, he was just seeing this now. He really wished he noticed this before he stood in this room, and maybe just maybe Wilbur could have been stopped.

"So you just want to... blow it all up"

"I-i do I really do.. I-I think I"

" you fought so hard to get this, this land back"

" I don't even know if it works Phil I don't even know if the button works I could-I could press it and it might"

"Do you really want to take that risk Will"

"There was a saying Phil by a traitor... it was never meant to be" and after he said those famous words he turned around in a blink of an eye to face what he came here for... to end what he stared.

This time he placed his hand on the button and didn't take it off he sighed and looked down and pressed it.

He looked back at Phil "oh my god you didn't" he heard Phil whisper.

Then he heard the sisal and with that came the explosion, and in between he heard the screams of the people he once lead.

It actually worked he thought it worked I've done it. I've actually done it. All the times I've been here this was the day I blow up the land I  once lead.

"Oh my god Will it's all gone"

Will took a deep breath " My L'manburg Phil my unfinished symphony forever unfinished. if I can't have this know one can Phill.

"Kill me Phil, Phil kill me, Phil kill me stab me with the sword. Murder me now kill me" He yelled as he passed Phil his diamond sword.

"Look they all want you to do it" He said as he stared down to his enemies, allies, friends and family.

"Do it Phil kill me, kill me" He repeated again.

"I-I can't" Phil yelled.

"Phil kill me" Will yelled even louder.

"Know matter what you did I can't-" Phil stared but was interrupted but Will.

"Phil this isn't look, look how much work went into this and it's gone"

"Do it" Wilbur whispered.

"Do it" He yelled louder.

Phil turned back around to face Will, tears poured down both of their eyes.

"Will you don't have to go like this" He sobbed.

"I'm sorry Phil I really am, but look at what i did, there's no going back. I did my part now play yours.

"Will I'm sorry" Phil said so quietly so only Wilbur could here.

Just then he did what he was asked and plunged the sword through Wills chest, and watched as he fell to the ground as he cough up blood. He could see the life draining from his face, from his eyes.

He pulled out the sword before he fell fully to the ground.

Wilbur could see his eye sight start to go black he said just loud enough for Phil to here.

"This is how it was meant to be"

All Wilbur could here was the faint cry's of Tommy in the distance and Phil cry to himself and through the cry's he heard Phil's last words the last words Wilbur will here.

"I did it I really killed my own son"

Then everything went black.

Word count "985"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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