1 |Under the Rain|

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The rain is pouring down the window, the drops are hitting against the glass.My finger smoothly ran through the edge of the paper as I turned over another page of the story book. My blanket is on my feet and my coffee mug is in the other hand.

This is the best thing that could happen. The rain's sound, my favourite book, a hot cup of milk coffee and the warm blanket cuddling with my bare feets.

But sadly everything has to end so this book. I sighed as I turned over the last page of the book "Saw Him Again" .The last line always disturbs my mind "It was the strangest love with the stranger. But the thing is there was never a clear indication of love in this book. Probably this line gives hints that there will be a sequel for the book.", the same thought runs through my mind.

I kept the book aside, and concerntrated on the rain out side. I was sipping my coffee while enjoying my own time when my eyes caught something. It was a man in a black overcoat "Poor fellow he must have been outside and got caught up because of the rain."
I could not see his face properly as the man quickly ran across the street while trying to save himself from the rain drops. He runs up under the tree but due to heavy winds he walks away from there to save any tree from falling on him.

Pitying his situation I got up from the sofa, took two umbrellas and went downstairs. As soon as I reached outside I saw him panicking and trying to find somewhere to shelter himself from rain.

"Hey Mr. wait" , as I walked up to him I gave him the spare umbrella .

"Thank you so much Mam.", replied the man with a slight bow.

"You may come to my house I saw you struggling to get a shelter."

Saying this both of them walked into the house. As soon as they reached upstairs the man turned to y/n and with a deep bow he said,"Thank you for your help. By the way I am Park Jimin."

"Y/n , Kim Y/n. Please take a seat", she said while pointing towards the beige sofa. As she further steeped into the kitchen as brought him a glass of water.

After finishing the water jimin kept the glass of the table and there was a awkward silence in the room only the sound of the rain drops were heard along with some distant thunderstorm. Y/n's eyes were stuck to the window as she tried to avoid the growing awkwardness while jimin's eyes were wandering around the room looking at the pictures hanged on the walls. The paintings kept on the shelf. He was observing things around trying to understand the type of person y/n was when all of a sudden his eyes caught the book laying at the corner of the sofa. The cover page had a picture of a man standing on a brigde looking across the other side where stood a woman looking back at him. And on top with golden letters it was written "Saw Him Again" underneath the picture with white it was printed best selling book on romance.

"You have read this book?", asked jimin curiously.

Y/n looked at the book he was referring to and finally found something to talk to him about.
"Of course I have. This is my favourite book I already read it 6 times"

" Oh you seem to actually like this book."

" Yeah I love the book. This book is the reason why I am still single."

A chuckle left jimin's mouth before he said,"What you are single because of a book"

"Yeah I am also waiting for my Ji-Hoon."

"So you want to meet someone just like Soo-min met Ji-Hoon and then fall in love with them?"

"Yes oh wait you have also read the story ?"

Jimin nodded to the question directed towards him.

"Ohh wow. Tell me your favourite part from the story jimin."

"I like when Ji-Hoon leaves Korea and walks inside the airport."

"What? Like what you seriously...... you know I hoped they would atleast confess or atleast there would be some hints of love but my heart broke when he left."

"Y/n do you remember in the earlier chapters of the story Soo-Min said "You are like a painting perfect, and beautiful" so in the last seen when he walks inside the airport it mean that "Ji-Hoon the painting that Soo-Min saw from afar as the colours of the painting slowly faded from her eyes and into the world."

She just looked at him for a few moments and then replied,"Woah you really have read every little intricate details. So there are chances right that she would again meet him and fall for from him once again as per Ji-Hoon's last talk with Soo-Min 'Lets meet again Soo-Min not as known but as strangers and start everything from the beginning.' "

"Yes it can be",replied Jimin.

"I am actually hoping for a sequal and the last line of the story 'It Was a Strangest Love With a Stranger' gives us hints about a possible new book "

"Yeah even I feel the same line but do you know a K-drama may be made on this story."

"Yeah I heard about it"

The two of them who didn't know each other's existence before sat down and conversed for almost 1hour. It's true time actually flies.

The rain finally stopped and Jimin and y/n stood up from the sofa as it was finally time for Jimin to leave.

"Thank you once again Ms.Y/n hopefully we meet again"

"Did you notice we too met like Soo-Min and Ji-Hoon. Under the Rain"

"You are actually a huge fan of this book I would go home and write an email to the writer requesting him to send an autograph to you. Take it as a return gift."

"Do you think I never tried it needs luck Sir there are thousands of fan request and so little chance of the writer to actually open the email."

"Do not underestimate my luck I known as the lucky charm of the group my luck is very good miss.",said jimin with a tint of humour.

"Okay Mr.Luck hopefully you win and I get a autograph.", replied y/n before they headed downstairs while laughing and chatting.

As soon as they hit the last step jimin said ,"Thank you once more for the favour I had a really good time and about the autograph don't worry it reach here ",confidence was laced in the voice before he said with doubt,"maybe"

Y/n broke down into laughter.

"Bye y/n"

"Bye Jimin"

Jimin went on to his destination and y/n headed upstairs. Two strangers met under the rain due to situations found their common taste had a great time together and parted by on their own ways.

'This is life. Nothing stops by for long evey one is like a cloud which floats around sometimes stop sometimes rain but their journey in never stagnant so is humans ' thought Jimin.

'I don't know if I would ever meet you Jimin and you be just another one face from the group of strangers."

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