Diagon Alley

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Wednesday 31st July 1991

Clara Peverell had been looking forwards to this day for years. She had been pestering her mum to take her to Diagon Alley since she got her Hogwarts letter a few months prior. Of course she always knew she would be going to Hogwarts, as her father liked to boast her magic was 'strong'.

She hadn't been able to persuade her mum to take her until today, however. Her parents always seemed busy but she had managed to succeed by telling her Quidditch-mad younger brother Daniel that the Nimbus 2000 was available at Quality Quidditch Supplies. That quickly wore their mother down.

The three Peverells arrived at the Leaky Cauldron via the Floo network. It was early in the morning as Mrs Peverell had wanted to get the trip over with. She led her excited children through the courtyard and onto the street.

Clara had only visited Diagon Alley a couple of times before, and not for a couple of years, and felt overwhelmed by all the wizards and witches, and all the shops, knowing for certain that she was part of all this now. Daniel immediately caught sight of Quality Quidditch Supplies and attempted to drag them all towards it, but Mrs Peverell pulled him back and they headed to Ollivanders instead.

"It'll be packed soon," she told him, softly. "We need to get your sister a wand before the whole of Hogwarts is in there."

He mumbled in annoyance, but relented.


Mrs Peverell had been right to go to Ollivanders first. By the time Clara emerged with her hazel, 13", slightly springy wand with a dragon heartstring core, there was a queue which seemed to cover the entire alley.

It wasn't long before Clara had most of her required equipment for school; she just needed her books and her robes. Daniel, however, was getting increasing impatient and was demanding to look at the brooms.

"Clara, darling," Mrs Peverell asked tiredly. "Do you think you can manage getting these last few things yourself? Daniel is not going to be quiet until he gets one of these nim- whatevers." She handed her daughter a pouch filled to the brim with shiny Galleons. "Now meet outside Florean Fortescue's when you're done, and I'll treat you to an ice cream before we go home."

The 11-year-old smiled happily, feeling ecstatic that she had been given some freedom for once. She was never allowed to go anywhere by herself, no matter how briefly normally. Maybe that's because she was homeschooled and as such she didn't really have anywhere to go. She made the decision to head to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions first, not wanting to be laden down with books as well as her cauldron.

When she entered the shop, she noticed there were two boys already in there, sitting on the stools at the back. Before she could get a good look Madam Malkin came over and was swarming over her, trying to get her measurements. It didn't take long however, and she was sent to sit on a stool so another witch could take even more measurements. This time she got a proper look at the boys. There was one with dark shaggy hair covering his forehead and green eyes. She didn't recognise him. And then her eyes fell upon the other boy.

"-imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

Him. Draco Malfoy. Her worst enemy. Well she was being a little overdramatic, but she truly hated him. There weren't many children from 'suitable' families, and since their fathers were friends, they had spent many an unpleasant afternoon on play dates as young children.

"What's wrong with Hufflepuff?" Clara demanded bitterly.

Draco and the boy looked up, suddenly aware of her presence. Panic briefly flickered through the blond boy's eyes.

"Peverell! I didn't uh see you there!" Draco stuttered, awkwardly trying to preserve the air of authority he had when talking to the other boy. "Of course there's nothing wrong with Hufflepuff. Not when it's your family's house."

"I don't see why it matters what house anyone is in. Why do we have to be in the same house as our families?"

"Of course we don't, I'm just saying I want to be in Slytherin. They don't let in riff-raff."

Clara rolled her eyes. There was no point in challenging a Malfoy and their views. The other boy just was looking at them, eyes full of confusion. She ignored him. Thankfully at that moment, Madam Malkin presented both Draco and the quiet boy with their robes, and they headed off; Draco giving her an insincere goodbye before he left. It wasn't long after until she was also sent on her way.

Clara was quickly able to find all the books she needed from Flourish and Blotts. She may have also slipped some books from the (very limited) fiction section into her pile of textbooks. Clara knew she couldn't waste an opportunity of being in a bookshop when soon she would be away from home for a year.

She met her mum and Daniel for ice cream, and her seven-year-old brother was proudly flaunting his new Nimbus 2000 as if it were a trophy.

"Did you get everything for school?" Her mother asked.

"Yes," the 11-year-old replied, looking around anxiously, desperately hoping she didn't have to see anymore of Draco Malfoy before school started.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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