The First Wish

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There once was a little girl named Piper. She only wanted to be happy, like most of the other girls her age. She wished for a lot of things that she thought would make her happy. Piper was only 10 years old and just lost her best friend because she found out that she was fake. Piper was really sad that day. Piper began to cry and say "I wish I had a friend I wish I had a friend."
The next day on Piper's way back from school she was thinking about what she had said yesterday and she was hoping that it would work. When she got home she began riding her bike and she seen this nice looking girl. Piper didn't think nothing of her though and kept riding her bike for about ten more minutes. Once Piper went inside and got halfway through making her lunch for tomorrow she heard the doorbell ring. She went to answer it and it was the girl she had seen while riding her bike. The girl asked if she could be Piper's friend. Piper agreed and then the two went and played outside for hours. Their friendship was great.
A couple months go by and they start fighting. Then Piper got dragged twice by her hair. The other girl got knocked out. Piper finally realized how fake she was and they stopped being friends.

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