Killer! Cartman x Obsessed! Reader (smut)

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You and cartman went to the same school. You knew nothing about each-other. He doesn't know what you think, and you don't know what he thinks, but really all you do is think about him. He has no idea of how many pictures you have taken of him and nailed them onto your wall. He doesn't know you nearly scream when he glances at you. All he knows is that you are some kid that goes to high school with him. But what do you know about him?

You have no idea that Eric Cartman, your huge crush, is a serial killer. You could probably expect it knowing he's a sociopathic racist asshole, but little did you know that you were his next victim. He's killed 4, and wanted to make you his 5th. But, all you know about each other is that you are classmates.

You were calmly sitting in your 7th hour, thankfully your last one, waiting for time to pass by staring at Eric. He was laying his head on his arm on the desk and looking at his laptop. You thought he looked so cute, just minding his own business, but then he looked up at you. Your face turned bright pink and you quickly looked away, making him furrow his brows. You hated that he noticed but loved it at the same time because, well, he knew you existed and looked at you, and noticed you. You turned to your laptop and looked at the time. Class was over in 3 minutes! You excitingly shut your laptop and put your things in your backpack, getting ready to leave. The bell rung and you happily speed-walked to the door. As you left and continued around the hallways, you felt a hand on your shoulder and someone call your name, and you knew exactly who it was.

"y/n?" Eric asked with his hand still on your shoulder. The warmth made you shiver with pleasure.

"Y-yes?" You coughed out while turning around. You don't normally stutter but your core was on fire and you were close to crying out of happiness.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out in the woods today, for like homework and stuff." He said as he moved his arm on your shoulder to his head to scratch out of awkwardness. He had a cold look in his eye, it was sort of weird.

"Oh-oh my god, yes I'd love to! Right now?" You replied quickly with a high pitched voice. Was your crush asking you out? You must be dreaming.

"Yes, right now. Come on!" He told you. He grabbed your arm with his chubby hand and walked out enthusiastically. You were smiling like a madman while he had a calm grin on his face. You really wanted this, but something felt off. He took you behind the school and around some fences, then through a wild amount of trees until he stopped at a very empty plain spot to sit, surrounded by trees.

"Here we are. Like it?" He asked with a sinister grin on his face. Those butterflies in your stomach turned into spiders because you had a bad feeling about staying here, but it mixed with a good feeling of being in the presence of him.

"Yes, i love it!"  You cheered, trying your best not to grab his fat face and kiss him. You saw him grab his backpack so you did the same. He laid a big blanket to sit down somewhere comfortably. You looked down into your backpack and tried finding the homework you were gonna work on when Eric caught your attention and pointed at the sky to make you look up. He swiftly pulled the blade out of his pocket and stabbed it in between your breasts. You instantly cried out in partially pain but mostly pleasure, which Eric caught on to the moaning part.

"Dude, why the fuck did you just moan!?" He screamed in confusion as you looked down at your now bleeding chest, falling to the ground.

"This is amazing why wouldn't I be? Getting killed by you is a lot better than a stranger. I love you Eric!" You cried out as he looked at you like you were the one who was a serial killer. He crawled down onto you and pushed the knife deeper into your chest. You whimpered with pleasure as tears started to prick at your eyes. He looked at you while you moaned and his face turned a light rosy pink. You were seriously in heaven as he was not only confused but disgusted.

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