°𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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The two of you began some small talk about the weather and how nice the restaurant was. Shortly after, a male waiter made his way over to your table.

"Good evening, my name is Donghai and I will be your waiter today. Could I start you both off with some drinks?" he asked.

You ordered a pink lemonade, going for something fun for the night. Steven ordered an ice water with lemon. As the waiter walked away, Steven began to speak again.

"How did the bakery begin? Did you always want to be a baker?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.

"My mom loved baking, she was almost always in the kitchen. My dad was a military soldier and whenever he came home from a long time away, me and my mom would have cakes and cupcakes ready for him to devour" you explained, feeling that dry feeling in your throat that you got whenever you were about to cry. "My mom passed away when I was 12, cancer got to her. She gave me a big binder full of her best recipes before she died. My father was still always away for long periods of time and I'd always just bake to pass time. He died shortly after in the war. I grew up hating violence and war and I'm still like that to this day. I hate violence" you further explained. "Then I got into culinary school, I met Lily and we became best friends. We both dreamed of opening a bakery and here we are" you finished, smiling softly over at him.

Steven had a look of pity on his face, he felt bad for you. "I'm really sorry, about your parents. That's horrible, and I agree with you. Violence should never be the answer for anything" he responded, taking in a breath. "Your pastries are really amazing though, so I guess it all became worth it in the end" he chuckled, earning a soft laugh from you.

"How about you? Was working in the museum always a dream of yours?" you asked, placing your elbows on the table.

"Well, not always the dream. I do really enjoy working there. I mean, I'd rather be a tour guide. But it's an interesting job. History has always been of great meaning to me" he answered.

"What about your parents?" you asked, hoping it wasn't too intruding. Your drinks were placed on the table and you put the glass to your lips, taking a sip of the lemonade.

"My parents they um.." he trailed off, looking confused as though he couldn't remember. "They, sorry um. My mother, she's lovely. She's really sweet. My father he.." he stopped speaking and you felt as though maybe he didn't want to answer. Despite the fact that he was lost in thought, his eyebrows furrowed.

You reached over, placing your hand on his arm in a comforting way. "It's alright, you don't have to say anything" you spoke softly.

Before he could speak again, the waiter was back over. You realized that you hadn't really looked at the menu since you were too busy speaking with Steven.

"I'll have the peanut noodles with some vegetable fried rice and vegetable dumplings please" Steven ordered, looking up at the waiter.

"I'll have the same! That sounds really good" you piped in, the waiter grabbing your menus and walking off.

Soon enough, the waiter was returning, plates in hand. You felt that you had completely fallen for Steven by this point. The two of you had talked about everything. Childhoods. Music. Steven loved Harry Styles, which you were beyond happy to hear. You both loved Disney movies and the smell of lavender. Steven seemed too good to be true. You loved being around him.

The food smelled delicious and when the plate was placed in front of you, you knew instantly that Steven also had great taste in food. It looked amazing.

"Well, enjoy. I hope you like it" he spoke, before picking up his chopsticks. You did the same dipping into the noodles and taking a bite. It tasted so good and it was full of flavour. You hummed in delight, looking over at Steven.

"This is so so good. I love it" you admitted, continuing to enjoy the food while speaking to him. The two of you went on like this. Talking about how good vegetable dumplings were and your favourite colours, his was purple. You were thoroughly enjoying yourself and it seemed he was too. Then came dessert, and the two of you had agreed to share a chewy chocolate chip cookie dough.

The oversized plate was placed in front of you and your eyes lit up. You were obviously a sucker for sugar and by the looks of his expression, he was too. The cookie dough was placed on a plate with chocolate and caramel drizzle. A scoop of vanilla ice cream plopped on top.

"That's absolutely mental. I'm having a bite right now" he chuckled, digging his fork into the dough before placing it into his mouth.

You mimicked his actions, taking a bite of the cookie dough. "This is so good, oh my god" you exclaimed. The two of you finishing off the dessert in only a few minutes.

Once finished, the two of you stood, beginning to walk out of the restaurant. Steven insisted on paying for the meal, which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. It was so traditional and gentlemen like of him.

"Would it be alright if I walked you to your flat?" He asked, glancing over at you as you stepped out into the night. Thankfully, this time, you had your light purple sweater pulled over you.

You reached down, interlacing your fingers with his. Clasping your hand with his.

"I would love that" you smiled sweetly, your cheeks a blushed colour.

You could tell he was getting shy too, that little stutter of his showing as the two of you began to walk. Your hands swinging in the wind. The two of you walked in calm silence. Making small comments about the night sky and all the stars. Steven told you about the constellations,.

"Look up, that's Canis Major" he whispered.

You did as he said, looking up. As you did, your shoulders brushed softly. Causing a shiver to course through your body.

"It represents the Greek dog Laelaps. He was a dog that never failed what he was hunting" he explained further.

At this point, you had reached the front of your apartment.

"I had so much fun tonight, Steven. Thank you so much, for everything" you spoke, moving to stand in front of him, gazing into his eyes.

"I enjoyed tonight too. I'll see you soon, yeah?" He spoke, taking a step towards you.

You smiled in response, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him. You weren't sure whether to kiss him or not. Or if he even wanted to kiss you. You'd never be able to take that leap forward. You leaned back, giving him one last smile before turning on your heels towards the apartment.

"Uh (Y/N) wait-" you heard him say, his hand on your wrist.

You turned around quickly and were met with his warm lips against yours. You softly gasped before leaning into the kiss, feeling his hands lightly resting on your heated cheeks. It was a soft kiss. One so delicate that it felt like you were both floating. It lasted for a few short seconds before the two of you pulled back slowly.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 [𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑]Where stories live. Discover now