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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor the fanart. 

It was one lazy evening. The silver haired Chunin, Kakashi, lay on the couch reading a book. Their sensei had called his team over to his house for a team dinner. Rin was in the kitchen, helping Kushina prepare the dishes. The Hatake groaned in annoyance as he glanced at the clock. 'He's late again!', he yelled in his mind. 

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Kakashi sauntered towards the door and opened it. There stood the Uchiha, looking completely dishevelled, with dirt on his jacket and goggles drooping on one side. He smiled ruefully before making his way towards the couch.

"You're late again." complained Kakashi. "And what, may I ask, happened to you? You look like you ran a marathon."

Obito rubbed the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly. "In a hurry to get here, I may or may not have stepped on a dog's tail... who chased me all the way here. It wouldn't leave me alone, not before breaking my goggles anyways!" 

The Uchiha rambled on how he hated dogs and how dogs hated him for a few good minutes, before glancing at Kakashi. Kakashi, who was used to his friend's stupid tales, had begun to read his book again.

"Were you even listening to me?!" he yelled angrily, before snatching the book from his friend's hands. 

"Give it back!" Kakashi cried, trying to get his book back. 

Obito glanced at the cover page, "'Death Under The Deodars' by 'Ruskin Bond'."

In his rage, Kakashi tackled the Uchiha, who surprisingly, looked deep in thought. The book fell from his hands, which Kakashi was more than happy to retrieve back. He stormed over to Obito and hit him on his head.

"That's what you get for snatching my book!"

But Obito looked unfazed. Breaking out of his daze, he looked at his fuming friend before curiously tilting his head to the side. 

"Say, is Ruskin Bond related to James Bond?"

That was the last straw. Kakashi's fists clenched tightly and Obito could almost see steam coming from his ears. His face was practically red, with teeth baring. The Uchiha gulped and slumped into the couch. The more he fumed, the smaller he grew. 

"BAKAAAAA!!!" he screeched, and jumped onto Obito, thrashing him. 

Rin and Kushina, who were working in the kitchen, came running out on hearing the racket only to see a furious Kakashi sitting of top of Obito, beating him mercilessly. They wondered what the raven haired boy had done to make him so mad that even his eyes held the eternal flames of hell. They thought of stopping the boy, but as they had never seen the Hatake so furious before, they let it continue and watched the drama unfold. Obito yelped and tried to get away from the Chunin to no avail.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I thought they were related!" 


Obito put his hands above his ears. He managed to send a look of innocence towards Kakashi, whose expression softened.

"You... You knew that, right...?" 

"Yeah..." Obito tried to agree, but the look on his face said otherwise.

Kakashi flopped on the sofa and Obito could very well make out the smirk on his face. The Uchiha rose a brow before joining the Hatake on the couch. Seeing his confused face Kakashi chuckled.

"I doubt that. If you really knew it, you wouldn't have asked me if a real, LIVING person was related to a non-real, FICTITIOUS character." 

As realization dawned on him, Obito's face turned bright red. Kakashi burst out laughing, clutching his stomach while tears formed in his eyes. "S-shut u-up!" was all the Uchiha managed to say!

"Shut up, Bakashi! Now thanks to you, my brain has officially started to melt!"

Kakashi stopped laughing, though an amused smirk remained on his lips. "You have a brain?" 

"Yes I do!" Obito spoke through gritted teeth.



The silver haired boy began to turn the pages of his book, trying to find the last page he read before Obito had snatched the book from him. "I highly doubt that."

Now it was Obito's turn to fume.



This fic is based on a real argument between me and my friend, Konan (No, her real name is not Konan. She just likes that character)! She really thought Ruskin Bond was related to James bond. Here's how it ended:


You're lucky I'm texting you right now.
If we were face to face,
My fist would be in your face.

Also, this is just a fanfic, so please imagine that they know who Ruskin Bond and James bond are. Goodbye, and have a nice day! 

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