Hunter Atkins graduated from college in 2011

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Hunter Atkins has written for The New York Times, Rolling Stone, and Forbes, as well as The Wall Street Journal, ESPN The Magazine, SI

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Hunter Atkins has written for The New York Times, Rolling Stone, and Forbes, as well as The Wall Street Journal, ESPN The Magazine,,,, Newsday, Virginia Coastal, Men's Journal, Popular Science, VICE, and VIBE.

At the age of 17, Hunter Atkins landed his first job as a reporter for The Chicago Sun-Times. At Northwestern University, Hunter Atkins attended the Medill School of Journalism. Hunter Atkins was a foreign correspondent for The Cape Times in Cape Town, South Africa, before interning for Newsday in New York.

Hunter Atkins graduated from college in 2011 and fled to Europe to run with the bulls in Pamplona after being defeated by the rising unemployment rate. After narrowly escaping certain death from a near-collision, Hunter Atkins wrote about his terrifying experience and impressed the then-sports editor of the New York Times, Joe Sexton. He provided me with a small opportunity, then a large one. I took off running.

Hunter Atkins was born in New York City. He made his way to Brooklyn. Hunter Atkins is happy to report from Houston.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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