Dream 1:

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Sure, i dream abt a lot of things, some better than others some more appropriate than others.
But most of us dream. And one of my reacurring dreams are me getting adopted by a YouTuber named Dream, ypu may know him for whatever reason, but yes, i dream that i get adopted by him multiple times.
I get left in Florida by my adoptive parents, i sit on my phone in a park bench somewhere crying, Dream and Sapnap are recording a video (after his face reveal) and they come up to me and ask me what's wrong, me knowing wjo they are i freak out but still tell them what happened and that i tried to call my adoptive parents but they never answered. Which is quite sad. But they then take me to the police station and they ask me if i want to stay with them and i obviously say yes, but they also ask if they wanna take care of me. They say yes which im happy about that i start crying again and i eventually fell asleep and Dream carried me back to their house, i slept in Dreams room and he took the couch and the next day we went shopping. I got my dream bed, my dream sheets, room paint, i just got my dream room. My friends got to visit me because we got to buy them plane tickets, i was allowed on Streams and in Youtube videos. All my addictions got better and i got therapy. I got called by my preffered name and after he fully adopted me he let me get top surgery (if the child gets parents permission then that child is allowed to get top surgery) i just had the perfect life. Accept at school. I got bullied quite frequently because i was 1. Adopted, and 2. Adopted by Dream. The two things that don't make you the most popular. I got beat up frequently, sometimes Dream would have to pick me up early and sometimes he would have to sit in the back of my classroom. Overall my adopted dream was amazing! I wanna get adopted by Dream, but the adoption process is LONG- someone whose gotten adopted.

DRINK WATER AND STAY SAFE <3 (I wont force you to eat but stay healthy :]) -Cory/Kayson
391 words

Things i dream about that aren't okay 💀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora