chapter one

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Baji : so remember he's my friend
baji said to chifuyu lets eat yakisoba.
baji buy some yakisoba with chifuyu and baji delivered chifuyu to their house after they bought and ate the yakisoba.When baji finishes, take chifuyu to their house, baji said.

Baji : chifuyu Let's walk to school tomorrow
Chifuyu: See ya baji san. See you tomorrow.

The next day.

baji: where are you chifuyu .....
Chifuyu: baji San! I'm sorry I'm late.
Baji : We need to hurry We are late
Chifuyu: I'm sorry baji-san.
Kiriko: ehh!Fuyu ?
Chifuyu: kiriko San? Wait your late to?
Kiriko: yeah.
Baji : wait you know this girl fuyu?
Chifuyu: yeah she's my childhood friend.
Baji : I see....... Are you bo-
Kiriko : we need to hurry because were are  late at school let's go know.
A few minutes later

Baji: we are finally here
Chifuyu: yeah
Debi : you both are late again fuyu~
Kiriko, chifuyu: we know.
Baji : wait chifuyu how many women did you have!?
Chifuyu: what are you talking about baji San?
Kiriko: me and fuyu are were cousin.
Baji : w-what!?
Debi : yeah yeah but did you guys forgot we are late?
Chifuyu: oh yeah I forgot!?
Kiriko, chifuyu: bye baji/baji- San  see you later!
Baji : bye bye !
Debi: bye bye baji see you later?
Baji : ok then.

[ Few hours later/timeskip]

Chifuyu: why are they

Chifuyu waiting baji as  been a 23 minutes.

Baji : hey! chifuyu.
Chifuyu: baji San.
Kiriko: hi baji nii and chifuyu nii!
Debi : wow we see each others again Haha...

Debi : Kiri San let's go out today you guys want to come with us?
Baji : no tha-
Chifuyu: yeah sure
Baji : w-what!? Chifuyu!?


Debi : Kiri chan let's go buy some dress!
Kiriko: oh let's go! Debi nii.
Baji : why kiriko always buying some stuff.
Chifuyu : I didn't know tell to her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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