He's bad new's

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She knew deep down it was wrong, the way he was with her, the way he talked, the way he touched her, not with love how it was meant to be it was all aggression, like something deep in him was pouring with anger all aimed at her alone, she took it all because that was what she deserved. 

It was different in public the little times they did go out, no hand holding or his arm around her waist he never did those things because he had said it to her face, he hated being out with her.

The thing was he hated himself so much he needed to get the anger out, in his eyes it was normal and Rae accepted what he said to her about how bad she looked or how she should act when they're out and not to talk with her friends because that was just abandoning him in his eyes.

"I'm meeting Chloe" Rae whispered in Liam's dark room only the flashing light of the tv blaring, she sat on his floor playing with to loose cotton of her shirt, he sat on his bed playing the stupid video games constantly, not even acknowledging she was in the room, he let out a humming sound considering her words.

"why would you meet that slag?" he asked simply.

"she's my best friend don't talk about her like that" Rae raised her voice slightly.

"she is and you know it!, stay here or don't fucking come back!" his anger was blazing out like a fire roaring to life, hot flames burning everything it touched.

She glanced at the door wanting so badly to get up and walk away from him, but in her mind he was right nobody wanted her, Liam didn't even want her, she had to go she had to do it, she grabbed her bag and left not looking at Liam.

"no one else wants you Rae i know you'll be back" he shouted from his room, it was a fact he knew, she would be back in a few days she always came back to him.

Rae ran as fast as her legs would take her, she didn't want to stop if she stopped she knew she would think, she would go back to him like last time, his words from the last time rung in her ears, "you will always come back, you're worth nothing, no one cares, nobody wants you", she was stronger this time.

This time she was ready to get her life back on track, soon as she walked throw her front door she showered rang Chloe and told her she was so sorry she never listened to her and that she was right about him all along, they met up the next day, just as they always did made up, best friends again, because they could never stay mad at each other thats not how they worked, they argued, let the dust settle then one of them would take the first step to regain that friendship.

They made a plan to not leave each others sides at college the next day because thats where Liam would try and manipulate Rae to going back to him, the plan worked up until last lesson but Chloe been the supporting best friend skipped the last 5 minutes of her lesson to get to Rae..

She knew he was around the corner she had no other way out of this, it was the only way out of college but she could do it she had Chloe, they were each others armour standing together to take on the storm.

"he's there" Chloe whispered hooking her arm throw Rae's for support.

"I know im just not looking" Chloe knew this was the real Rae coming back, the fun, loud, beautiful and sassy thing she's known for so many years, she admired her in some ways she was always so strong just like now at this very moment in time.

She made it out the doors it was long behind her well until Monday at least.

The walk home took longer for some reason, maybe because she was taking all the alleys and avoiding the main streets just incase liam was lingering anywhere.

She reached the end of her street, nearly home a matter of minutes away.

and he was there, lent against a lamp post near her house, she turned away and walked fast back the way she came, not looking where she was heading and bumped into someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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