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Extended Summary

Coming soon

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Life for Chris was never easy. One accident at birth had her falling into a cycle of repeating problems throughout her entire life. Problems like getting placed in the male's lineup in every competition, being placed into the men's team and male locker area more than once every semester, being mistaken for a male on her register, being assigned the wrong uniform because of her name, etc etc.

And now, the most recent, being assigned to a whole male's fraternity in a new close knit and not to mention strange as fuck community in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mountains of trees, and that was all because one administrator was too lazy to check a simple photo.

No one said life would be easy and Chris guessed this much while living inside a house that was nearly bursting out the foundations with the levels of testosteone filling it. Finding and being chosen for this full expense paid scholarship had been the extent of her luck, now all Chris wanted was to get her degree and leave.

But...why on earth did this town seem so strange. Why did she hear the sounds of dogs in the middle of the night, why did the men in her frat seem hyper aware with reflexes that went beyond her scope of understanding. Why were the people of this large town so fucking weird and why the absolute fuck did she start having those...dreams every night. Dreams that made her wake up hot and sweaty, burning with a desire for something she hardly understood.

The answers to these questions were nothing ordinary. Would Chris ever be prepared and after finding out the truth...just what on earth would she do next.





Hi guys.♡

First, A small disclaimer:
Like my other novels, this book will contain a lot of mature themes and very explicit steamy sessions unsuitable for younger audiences. I'm in no way able to stop minors from reading my stories so please proceed (or don't) with this warning in mind. 

Any similarities between real people or places are 100% coincidental, this book is purely fictional so treat it as such.

Chapters of this book are already being written but will later be posted when my other novel, Midnight Neighbor, is nearing its end.

Looking forward to starting this new journey with everyone.

Please remember to add this book to your library to be notified when chapters are posted♡♡


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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