chapter 1

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When I was asleep I felt a strong urge to wake up I felt strong energy near me when I opened my eyes everything was covered by darkness, Endless darkness. why can I not remember anything?

My name what is my name. why can not remember anything why am I all alone? After a few Millenium in this dark place. I was questioning my existence in my thoughts. I opened my eyes 

and I saw someone. who are you? I asked that person. I looked at him his face was covered by darkness but I could still see his face. he looked like me. but why did he look like me?  was this my imagination after spending so long in this place did I start to imagine things to relieve myself from  boredom

I looked at him. he looked so emotionless. H opened his mouth and said you must be me from the past because I never looked so miserable.

I was confused I didn't get what he was saying isn't he a part of imagination.

I said what are you talking about I don't understand you or me.

Let me help you, " he said, looking directly at me in the eyes. After he put his hand near my face I felt familiar energy after a few hours of pain I remembered who I was 

I am inevitable

(Take 2)

I am Uchiha Sasuke

I know its short because I just started to think about this story so aspect a longer story in the future

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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