Pov: Dying in the arms of your Bf on the battlefield.

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"Hey...Y/N? Wake up, this isn't funny.." [Your Bf] held you as it rained. Fog covered the battlefield, you couldn't see for miles. You didn't move, but you could hear his voice in your unconscious state. You wanted to talk to him, show signs of response and wake up, but you couldn't. It was like something was keeping you from going back, dragging you instead to a place you have never been before. [Your Bf] scanned the foggy grounds, even though he knew it was to be useless. There was nobody there to help. You bled on the wet ground. The rain only caused you to loose more blood. You were dying... slowly, painfully. "Y/N. You can't hear me, can you? Doesn't matter. You were the best thing that happened, you fought well today." [Your Bf] looked down at you. "You don't need to fight anymore." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You didn't want to go. You still had a long way to go, you were only 22. You got dragged back even farther. No... you thought. The darkness stole your vision away from the light. You couldn't see anymore.

It was dark.

It was cold.

It was the end.

Dying in the arms of your bf on the battlefield.Where stories live. Discover now