A catastrophic business practice of a Jewel crazed Feline

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(Victoria, Sometime before Crystal Crisis, but after Eye of The Ice Ink Storm)

"You never cared for me in this gang business," They said, hands clenched into fists at their side in slight anger and defiance.
"You were just using me, and always have been."

They took several steps back from me,  their body going into a defensive position from fear.
I smiled sinisterly at them. “Well, that’s how it works in the jewelry business, my little kitten. Come quietly, as we have business to discuss, or, if you are so determined to make a stand against me, you can be sure that this wouldn’t be nice.” I snarled, grabbing them by their neck as they smiled nervously at me through their mask from fear.

“Now tell me, why did I catch you with your paws all over my jewels?” I hissed, glaring at my subordinate.

“It wasn’t me, I swear! I’ll never lay a paw on your jewelry!” they yelped out of fear, the cat pun just slipping right out in habit. Ah, the habits of working and living within a cat themed gang, you take on the aspects of a cat, despite none of us being cats ourselves.
As her boss, and leader of the Nyakuza, I know a lie when I see one, and can smell their terror from a mile away.

“Oh really? Then why did I find you cat hair on it?!” I hissed with rage, and my minion gave one final terrified squeak before I threw them against the wall hard, enough that, as we cephlopods do, exploded into black ink, a definite splat. And with no spawn point, they were as good as gone. I dusted off the coat and regained my composure, suddenly aware of an audience. I sent a glare at the young inkling girl, her cyan and light violet ink an unusual combo within my mass metro filled with dark colors with the occasional purple and yellow, her yellow eyes regarding me (and the scene that happened) with terror. She was a new recruit, who I took in a few moments ago. She had brighter colored ink than the locals of this metro, a cyan blue that fades to a light frosty violet at the tips. A very pretty color combination, in my opinion. It looks rather lovely on the icy jewels she has been giving me that she finds that I've been having her retrieve, as well as other precious jewels.

“Don’t let that, be YOU.” I growled, and she yelped and nodded frantically, bolting out the door of my store and out of sight. I sighed, and leaned against the counter, drumming my claws onto the contertop, glaring at the direction the inkling scampered off to, lost in thought of ways to tighten her iron grip onto the metro.

"Someday soon, there won't be a single cephlopod in this cod salm metro who would have more scratch than me." I muttered, looking out the window of the shop at the busy stations outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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