Returning To The Isles

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Disclaimer ⚠️: So me and a friend (beloved TOH fans) have decided to make a contribution to the amazing show since... It got canceled and will no longer be continued. Maybe it will in secret but Lumity and other amazing characters will remain in our hearts for forever. 

Who I am playing: Luz, King, Eda, Raine, Willow, Hunter, The Collector, ect...

My friend is playing: Amity, Gus, Lilith, ect... There will be more characters in the future that will be listed here. Anyways, enjoy!


*Years after Luz had found her way back to the human world, she had been busy with jobs and just taking care of her mother. Vee the Shapeshifter had stayed with them for a little bit but then found another family that welcomed her in without a problem accepted her for her monster features.*

*Luz was happy with her life but something was always missing. She missed the Boiling Isles magic and she missed her friends and girlfriend. But that didn't stop her from trying to find a way back into the world that way. She knew she could find a way but went to the old house she had stumbled upon when she was younger and found the Boiling Isles.*

*Luz would have short hair still but slightly longer, she still remained the same but she looked more feminine like but she still loved dressing like a tomboy.*

*She would be walking in town of the human world she grew up in and looked around at the trees, she was now heading for the old house to see if she could find her way back. She was old enough to make her own decisions and she wanted to be back there weather her mother said no or not.*

*Luz would look up at the old trees that still stood and the lush grass was below her while flowers were in bloom. It was springtime, supposedly April at this point. She would keep looking around with a happy smile, remembering the amazing times she had had.*

*She would then approach the old rusted house, it was cold and the moss still grew on it. The door was shut tight with vines wrapping around it. She was now determined today to get that door open.*

"Alright Luz. You can break down the door and make your way through." *She thought to herself strongly and then would run at it while screaming "CHARGE". Luz slammed into the door and it didn't budge, she slowly fell down to her feet as she leaned against the door. She groaned with annoyance, she would lay up against it and spoke a few words of meaning.*

"Why can't I find a way to open you... I just wanna be back with my magic family. They meant so much to me and now I can't even help Amity out without being there..." *She would then buried her face in her hands while her beanie slouched on her head into her face.*

*Suddenly the door moved slightly, Luz felt is and then would lift her head up to look at the door but it looked as if it never moved. Luz sulked as she laid her head back down. It moved again and then would quickly turn around again. She narrowed her eyes and scrunched her face up as she stood up on her feet and glared at the door. She looked away and then it moved, she would quickly look at it and it moved back to it's normal place before she even saw it move.*

"ERRR! WHY IS IT PLAYING... Tricks on me..." *She said her last sentence kind of quietly. She looked down at the ground as the door opened again, it stayed open this time and she gasped. The door was alive?*

*Well, it was a magic house anyways, so she knew something must have triggered it.*

*Luz immediately ran to the door and looked inside, a smile spread across her face because she's remembered the musty old walls of the house she loved. She would slowly walk inside, watching her step as she went inside but she would see the place she had entered as a kid into the Boiling Isles... Luz was so excited and she would dive into the doorway and ended up suddenly in an unfamiliar place, or a place she hadn't seen in years...*

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