Chapter 1

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Last Day At My Home Orphanage

  My weird dreams had already made their point Crystal Clear that they would not stop any time soon.

  Every night I went to sleep I woke up into a strange room that I had already Learned to make myself comfortable with, but every time there would be a dif-ferent door open for me to pass through.

  The first time I was into an abandoned room with vines coming out of cracks on the walls, and the only lamp in there was broken and barely did any job, it blin-ked and twitched.

  Every time the lamp turned off and on again, a figure started to form. Until I reco-gnized it as a dead girl I've never met before, Thalia.

  My friends, Annabeth and Grover–both in which I met into a godly summer camp, with another boy called Percy–had known her before she died and turned into a pine tree.

  I know what I said, yes. A pine tree.

  But this time, I was in a tall room. A really tall room. It had an, at least, 15 feet tall ceiling. But the side walls were cramped, not even 3 feet apa-rt of each other, I had to get really pushed in to pass to the other end.

  The corridor was really long, I don't know how many time I spent just walking. But when I reached the end, there was a set of stairs that led me down.

  The farther I got down the stairs, the more stranger things got. After my first three steps, the stairs enlarged and turned into grand marble floors. On my sixth, the stairs started going up, instead of down.

  But when I fin-ally reached the top, there was nothing, just a cliff to the other side with a void of nothingness. Not even light reflected on it, it was like it swallowed light.

  Like a black hole.

  My dream was cut to an end when I fell down my bed, there was a loud voice that I couldn't understand what it was saying, since I had just woken up and was still mostly asleep.

  When I started drifting apart from clouds land, I finally started under-standing what the voice was on about.

  "–ou're gonna be late for the day, already!" the voice I recognized as my roommate's, Levi, called out.

  I mumbled some nonsense that even if didn't understand and got up.

  I was showered and dressed in 15 minutes–if you don't count the time I stayed under the water thinking about life.

I was already finished with my school year, so I was going to get my friend Annabeth to head back to Camp Half-Blood.

Percy still had a day on his school, but it'd wait for him at camp. He wouldn't get in trouble in one day when he didn't the whole year.

  But, oh boy, was I wrong.



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