i had a marvellous time

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- i had a marvellous time ruining everything.


I was woken up from a long nap about an hour ago, I don't know exactly how long, but it certainly felt like forever. Especially when you're longing for someone you know you might not be able to have.

Nik daggered me because I had grown quite fond of his newest doppelgänger.

So now, I need to make him believe that I never was into her, and that I was only trying to get together with Stefan. Since we have a past together it's not that stupid of an idea.

"Rebekah, dear sister, would you mind staying here tonight? I need you to watch Elena while she's donating blood, because I and Elijah will be dealing with the Salvatore's." Klaus gestured with his hand towards the room where Elena would be.

"Of course, Nik, whatever wouldn't I do for you to replace your actual family with hybrids!" I smile sarcastically at him. He chuckles slightly, and there it is, the doorbell rings.

"Ah, lovely. Elena is here, now if you'll excuse me I have some business to attend to. Don't do anything stupid Rebekah." And in the blink of an eye he's gone.

The door is widely open right now, I freeze for a few seconds, slowly taking her appearance in, realizing I might not have been asleep as long as I thought. She's still as young as the last time I saw her.

Her beautiful face. So simple yet so unique.

I swallow hard, making my way to her, without making myself seem weak.

"Hello love." I smile at her. A genuine smile.

"Rebekah! You're awake? Oh my god!" She smiles excitedly and hugs me,
"I thought he would never let you come out of the coffin! I missed you so so much."

I gasp shocked by her tight hug, but immediately wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as possible.

"How long was I out for?" I have to know.

"Around six months, not that long, but it felt like forever." She looks at me with an emotion in her eyes that i can't quite put my finger on,
"But isn't it time for you to start the whole blood bag process now? Wouldn't want to make Klaus mad."

I roll my eyes at her but take her hand in mine, leading her to the room, the room that makes me wanna puke.

"You know, Klaus is kind of growing on me, I think I consider him one of my best friends right now, since all of my other friends are stupid and fake as hell ever since, you know." She exclaims calmly and smiles.

"That's great. How is everyone? Are you and Stefan at it again?"

"No." She says as she sits down in the chair and the nurse that Klaus has compelled starts drawing her blood, as creepy as that sounds,
"Why? Do you want to date him? If so, you have my full consent." She winks at me,

"What? Absolutely not! Bloody hell. I only have place for one doppelgänger in my heart Elena."

"You know, Rebekah, I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you.
I mean. You are the sweetest person ever. I hate seeing you sad, I will never forgive Matt for breaking your heart.
And even though you might hate me for this, I actually love you." I blink, feeling all air in my lungs disappear for a hot minute.

I think back to when I first met her, on the senior-prank-night.

"Nik. What the hell are we doing at a bloody school?"

"You see, sister, my doppelgänger is in here and I need to test one of my theories. And you are gonna help me by searching for the Bennett witch, she has dark hair and looks a little like Ayana, you should know who she is just by looking at her." Klaus says and I obliged.

After a few minutes I found the witch and I had given her to Klaus.

That was when I saw her. She looked exactly like Tatia and Katherine, except so much more pure. Everything about her was innocent.

"Is that the doppelbitch?" I had asked,
"The original was much prettier." That was a lie.

"Yes, Rebekah. This is Elena. My doppelgänger and bloodbag."  he responded.

Elena had been forced to live with us for a few months just so Klaus could keep an eye on her while keeping her safe. And under those months we grew very close.

Of course, I developed a crush on her, who wouldn't?

"Elena. I do not hate you, I bloody love you too but we can't. Everything and everyone that I love always gets taken away, I don't want you to be taken away or worse, murdered just because of me. It's bad enough that everyone hates me because of simply arriving to this town, but what would they do if they found out about us?" I let out a shaky breath before continuing,
"I can't let them ruin this. I can't. We need to stay friends, nothing more. I'm so sorry."

At this point tears were streaming down both our faces, I kissed her once, it was a simple and passionate kiss, but it wasn't a kiss that was full of newfound love.
It was a goodbye kiss.

"I love you so much Elena."

- the end.

This probably is one of the messiest things I have ever written, but I just kind of had it in my mind, so. I hope you enjoyed this crappy thing lmao!

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