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This morning I had a plan to do with my day I read of staying home and doing nothing.

It was 4:00pm.

I got changed into blue ripped shorts and a orange tie top with white shocks and white shoes.

I walked down to the château to see if they was there. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer while play with my bracelets.

Jj answered I smiled softly "hi" I said he wide smiled at me "c-come in" he put his body side wards letting me in "it's only me home, the rest have gone out" he said I took a seat ok the sofa "want a drink" Jj asked "I'm okay" I replied.

Jj took a seat next to me "about the other day" I began "I am truly sorry about not contacting you" I said "i shouldn't of shouted at you Paige it's just hurt and now your back it just a shock" he said.

"I know it's a shock" I said

"But I'm glad your back" The blonde boy said

"Same" I shared a smile with him

After around 15mins of the pair of us talking a bang came through the door.

"What she doing here" a girls voice said as I looked it was Kiara I rolled my eyes another girl scoffed which my instincts was right it was Lacey. Pope walked through "hi Paige" I smiled at his presents "hi pope" I said "look you don't get to come here and act like your perfect" I looked at jj and then raised an eyebrow "anything else?" I questioned sarcastically "you left my friends and expect us to line you" Lacey said.

"I didn't leave them" I argued

"Yes you did" the two girls said

"No I didn't" I answered

"We don't get how a girl like you with a picture perfect life would be hanging around with us" Kiara yelled. I picked my self up off the sofa and stormed out.

Jj and pope followed "let us take you home" Jj said I agreed as i didnt want to be alone I followed them to the brown van.

Silence passed but it wasn't an awkward silence it was comfortable.

"hey Jj can you drop me off here please" I asked nicely "yeah of course princess" he replied I smirked but just looked out the van window. Jj pulled up to the pier "thanks Jj, bye Pope" I hooped out the van and wandered around the wooden area.

"hey Paige wait up" a recognisable voice set I turned around "Sarah hi" I smiled at her "you okay?" I questioned her "yeah I'm good how are you " she asked "I'm good" I smiled "how's the house looking now" she asked, "it's getting better" I answered. We continued walking until a figure turned the corner "oh hi John b" Sarah said he looked annoyed he just ignored her a walked past in a strop he turned around "your secrets safe with me" he said to her "uh what secret.. oh wait I know that secret" she said, his annoyance grew "I just got fired because of you and I know you can't Imagine that but some people need jobs so that they can eat" he then smacked the bag out of Sarah's hand and walked away.

"What the fuck" Sarah yelled I picked up the bag and gave it to Sarah "what was that about" I asked her "I don't even know" she said "oh well I'll go see what's up with him, see you soon" I said and quickly "yeah see you tomorrow" she answered.

I started walking faster to John b "hey John b wait up" he turned around I caught up to him "are you okay back there you seemed annoyed" I asked "not really I've just been fired from my job which i need" John b said I sent him an apologetic look "hey it's ok I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind you working on our yacht" he smiled at my offer "aren't your dad and ward friends I don't think he'll hire me if wars tells him" he said and looked down I nudged his shoulder "it'll be fine I promise it'll work out " but before I could say anything else to cheer him up he hugged me he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head onto my shoulder I put my arms around neck.

I let go "uh John b look" John b turned to see the black keep pull up next to us. The jeeps window came down "times up boy" the passenger said. John b grabbed my arm and we started running.

We went through a house with one of the men chasing us with a gun John b ran through a white picked fence while I climbed over.

John b took the left turning "run John b" I yelled the man with the gun began following him. I took the right turning running through another set of houses I took another turn which landed me to a main road.

A cop car great I quickly ran up to the window and tapped it "misses Peterkin" I said panicking "hey popsey" Peterkin is close with my family so that was the nickname she gave me since I've been here on holiday for so many years "j-John b is getting chased with a gun by-by two men" I said but before she could answer a big bang went of by the wired fence opposite us.

Peterkin set the sirens off which made the two men go away I turned my head to miss Peterkin I left the side of the car "John b" I said I crouched to his side "hey hey you're-okay I said while tapping his face" I was worried "I think me and you need to talk boy" she said it sounded serious "I'm going to go ok text me if you need me John b" I said"I'll come check on you soon lovely" Peterkin said.

I started walking away re thinking everything that just happened.

I got home "hey mumzy what you cooking" I said as I walked through to the kitchen she smiled "spaghetti want some?" She asked my mother made this regular as it was my favourite "yes please" I sat down on the breakfast bar as she served me a plate.

I sat down and talked about my day with my mother which i had to make up as I wasn't going to tell her I'd been chased with a gun. I said that I was showing some tourists around.

Hours went by and I was now it my room the sun had set and it was pitch black outside I was just lying in bed with music on.

𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 - 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now